Black Metal.

^ Actually think it's a neat idea, and i would totally go to a restaurant like this. What's the problem, really? Food inspired by top black metal tracks with black metal playing in the background? Creative. Might have to take a trip there if they ever do it again.
Yeah I'd totally go and even break my vegetarianism for a day to try that! Sure, it's gimmicky, but how often do you get to have a meal themed around your favorite subgenre while listening to extreme metal in public?
Found this on Facebook, some strange ass quote from a basement black metal guy that records 20 demos a year, strikes me as amusing.

He is "Tank Genocide"

I like that guys appreciate my work ....
We must constantly be in rebellion .. guys spend months
work on great tracks ( I could do the same ) ... with
titles may be a little worse than some .. I know.
And instead of that I record a title in one hour and their I said, go fuck yourself.
it is normal that in return they hate me ... they put all their energy in a title,
while me I had the time to record an album, it is the only act
of rebellion that I may have ...
I like making catchy songs, but by purifying the maximum,
so that it remains as something dirty, smelly..
You remove all the technical prowess and any other effect by keeping
only the creepy atmosphere and you get the Tank Genocide ...
So it will not become the band of the century,
or influence the music in any way to future ..
I am the pioneer of nothing ..
I play music modestly spitting in the face of the world ... that's all.
I remain faithful to the approach Tank Genocide ..
and if I was playing as the same black metal than any other group ...
maybe I would draw some satisfaction, but it does absolutely nothing
would bring me.... for what purpose would I do that?
when a band stands out, we remember his name.
Then I do not judge anyone or anything, I like Black Metal
and I defend this scene .. be it with guys who have a purist approach,
other innovative approach etc.
I love all these groups Raw Black Metal
playing the same music, and I love those who stand out in different registers ..
Other bands too clean, play music that does not please me,
especially in the NSBM, groups become too clean.
which is reassuring is that those who hate Tank Genocide
are those guys who like this kind of band too clean...
(I like NSBM, but when it is dirty, nasty)
Tank Genocide, for the greatest misfortune of each other, it is not
not a healthy mind in a healthy body ... it is quite the opposite in fact!
Jon you got my vote too!

Fuck, MDF 2011 was such a epic year. Not just cause it was my first year there, but because so many badass people were there that havnt been since. Dan. Jon. Cameron. Kevin. David....and that goofy ass motherfucker, Jordan.

Jordan wants to go this year, but not until I get the $160 that he owes me.
Sigh is awesome. I started with 'Imaginary Sonicscape' which is some excellent psychedelic bm, and then went on to check out 'Hangman's Hymn' which didn't disappoint. I've been listening to 'Scenes from Hell' which is really theatrical, avant-garde bm. I think the next stop will be 'Hail Horror Hail'.
Been trying to find a reasonably priced copy of Autumn Aurora vinyl but no luck. Looking like $70 US minimum from what I've found so far...

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Skogen's latest 'I Doden' is really good. If you're a fan of atmospheric black metal, there's a lot here to like.


Good shit and I'm just on the first song. It's definitely got the sweet spot between lo-fi and hi-fi. Vocals will need to grow on me a bit, but I can tell I'll grow to like these guys more...