Black Metal.

Good shit and I'm just on the first song. It's definitly got the sweet spot between lo-fi and hi-fi. Vocals will need to grow on me a bit, but I can tell I'll grow to like these guys more...

Good to hear you enjoy them. Do check out their first release 'Vittra'. It's my favorite release of theirs but this one has potential to surpass it.
Decent riffs and atmosphere. Not super engrossing, but solid. I could see it growing on me with more listens or if I listened to the entire album. However, the production is a bit messy and the growls are kinda weak.
I dug the atmosphere. I listened to them a while ago and kind of forgot about them. I'll be checking out more of their stuff soon. Sounds like 'Tahoma' is the album to try.
Agalloch and Obsidian Tongue are touring together. I'm definitely going to that show. The newest offering from Obsidian Tongue is really good atmospheric black metal which also features the Agallochian singer on a track. New Agalloch album will be great as well.
interesting song for those of you who like your black metal with a more pagan/viking/folk vibe

Is it just me or is this mix really unsatisfying? It sounds like the folk instruments are laid on top of the rock instruments in a really artificial way, like two separate tracks that happen to be at the same tempo playing simultaneously.