Black Metal.

Uhhh, Dornenreich may be "pedestrian" sounding now (I personally disagree, but whatev) but what they were doing on Bitter ist's... was fantastic and wonderful symphonic blackened metal with some very avant-garde structuring from the lyrics and lyrical style down to the music.
Uhhh, Dornenreich may be "pedestrian" sounding now (I personally disagree, but whatev) but what they were doing on Bitter ist's... was fantastic and wonderful symphonic blackened metal with some very avant-garde structuring from the lyrics and lyrical style down to the music.

That's probably my favorite by them as well. Good stuff, but it's not anything to write home about.
So opinions on the new Agalloch now that we've all had some time to digest it? It's definitely grown on me. All the metal songs are solid to excellent. I love the hook on Dark Matter Gods and the return of the gothy guitar work that we haven't heard since Pale Folklore. Plateau of Ages is probably the best instrumental they've composed. Absolutely epic. The weakness of the record is the three ambient/folk pieces, which I find pretty uneventful and plodding. This is certainly their weakest full length, but still a very good record.
Agalloch put out a solid record. I'm about two listens in but I already feel more of a cohesiveness than with 'Marrow of the Spirit'. It starts off the right way and it doesn't deteriorate along the way. Although cool, 'Plateau of Ages' is probably a little on the long side for an instrumental, but I'm sure that'll change with more listens. I can't wait to see these guys in concert.
Really enjoyed the first half, the opening track is very beautiful. Throughout, it loses focus though there are some good parts. It's good but not their best work.
I didn't like the previous full length by them either, I just don't feel the music, the riffs, the vocals, everything just doesn't come together as well as say, The Mantle.
I've never thought much about Enthroned to begin with. They always just seemed like another band.

Really enjoying Vele's Black Hateful Metal. Energetic yet hypnotic riffs repeated for long periods. Lots of haunting medieval folk and synth interludes. I really enjoy the pastoral folk interlude thrown into this track.

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