Black Metal.

So Dolorian's When All the Laughter has Gone is probably the best example of blackened doom I've come across. I've always liked it but listening to it again today it just hit me how amazing it is. It feels like a carnival of death. Great atmosphere.
Yes. Can somebody please, please, please please please explain to me how Engram is incredible? I don't get it at all.

It's just not, really. Some people act like its the second coming of the antichrist, and it's not specifically bad, but it's whatever.
Engram (and Beherit in general) is filthy, visceral BM at its finest. If you really think they represent anything CLOSE to "average", you need to get your head checked.
What is so good about Beherit in general? Just another generic black metal band if you ask me.

There's nothing good about Beherit. Drawing Down the Moon is hands down the most overrated "black metal" album ever. Shitty musicianship, boring songwriting, dull as fuck drumming and Cookie-Monster-through-a-modulator vocals. "Oh but the atmosphere is so evil!" No, it's dense and stuffy, but not particularly intense or evil sounding. In sum, a straight up bad album.
I've heard DDtM, OoBB, and H418fgs.oc$ or whatever. None of it impressed me. At all. So much better stuff to listen to. Like the Frozen soundtrack, for the millionth time.
It's not average. It's below average. And senior citizens fucking in a nursing home is more visceral than DDtM.

If senior citizens fucking in a nursing home sounds like Drawing Down The Moon then I can't wait to get old so I can organize giant fucking fuck fests of old people and be right there in the middle of it.
Fucking right. I hope to die during one of those things when Im old (if I havent already died by 40) and then they can put "DDTM made me do it" on my tombstone.