Black Metal.

^ I just gave that album a listen and thought it was great. Very raw, and those interludes helped to give it a schizophrenic feel. Always a good thing. It's been a while since I've listened to those guys.

Ya'll should check out this EP by Muka:

Solid black metal out of Croatia.
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I've recently discovered Schnopfer and digging their music.

Dweller: Great find! They remind me of someone I just can't put a name on it...

All about the French BM scene right now, this has been on repeat for awhile.
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That Muka EP is sounding stellar.

Also dug the Suhnopfer stuff, very epic.

The Serpent & The Sphere has been taking me back to Agalloch's Ashes days, and I thought the finisher was right on point, tying the piece in to Marrow. It's an altogether well-crafted composition. Can't wait to pick it up when they come through Denver this summer.
Varg is coming out with yet another... I still haven't gotten around to Sôl austan, Mâni vestan, but Belus/Fallen/Umskiptar were all solid. I hope he can keep up the quality with such rapid releases.

Still loving this song. Looks like they released their debut this year (linked track is from a split) and definitely need to check 'em out.
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You know I sort of wrote off Gallowbraid a while ago, I think because I thought it sounded a little too tame or something. But listening to that track makes me want to revisit his work. Sounded awesome.

Oh and Draele, Sun Worships LP is free on their Bandcamp. A solid album.
Still in the process of checking out the stuff recently posted. Good to hear of a new Gallowbraid album, it's definitely about time. More French BM guys as France rarely disappoints in this genre. Loving this band right now.

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Still loving this song. Looks like they released their debut this year (linked track is from a split) and definitely need to check 'em out.

Meh, I didn't hear anything that particularly stood out.

And Schmidt, you listen to Gallowbraid, too? Pretty soon you'll admit that you dig Moonsorrow, and then bonerama will ensue.
The guy from Gallowbraid used to post on somewhere else I am a member at, and was a bit of a douche so I sort of wrote off his band but its really not that bad
Well, his other band Visigoth is killer trve kvlt traditional metal, but I met him and he's a super rad dude. We bonded of Cirith Ungol songs and Manilla Road.

So, it's been over 5 years and I have yet to hear anything better than this. Fucking incredible.
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Meh, I didn't hear anything that particularly stood out.

And Schmidt, you listen to Gallowbraid, too? Pretty soon you'll admit that you dig Moonsorrow, and then bonerama will ensue.

Maybe it doesn't stand out hard, but just has a good atmosphere and that drum heavy part at the end I've got a certain fascination for...

So, it's been over 5 years and I have yet to hear anything better than this. Fucking incredible.

Utterly average in every respect (which de facto makes it the best thing the band's ever done). There's about a billion records that sound like this... nothing approaching "incredible" about it, other than band-name recognition.
Utterly average in every respect (which de facto makes it the best thing the band's ever done). There's about a billion records that sound like this... nothing approaching "incredible" about it, other than band-name recognition.


Yes. Can somebody please, please, please please please explain to me how Engram is incredible? I don't get it at all.

And this.