Black Metal.

Most people around here hate Deafheaven, but I think they're interesting. Not great, but not bad... worthy of an occasional listen.

They're extremely over hyped by non-metal media outlets though. It's basically Black Metal for hipsters.
Yeah, that's what I've heard too, "Black metal for hipsters," but I think that's mainly because they make their album covers pink and look like two guys from the Village People, however I think the actual music is an interesting mix of Black Metal and Shoegaze/Stoner to be worthy of numerous listens.
This is actually the first time I listened to Deafheaven and only on laptop speakers, but that's not too bad for hipsters, really. I myself don't need this kind of music though, I'd rather listen to Krallice or something. One hipster bm album that interests me is the latest album of Jute Gyte with the microtonal stuff. It's excellent imo.
I like that Deafheaven album a lot, but I like a lot of hipster black metal.

Also went and listened to DDtM and Beherit and Wyrms' most recent album and liked all that a lot.
I'm not too big on Krallice but Nick is a nice guy, so I sometimes go see them and hangout.

Deafhaven is very uninteresting to me. Too blast-beaty and I can't hear the riffs at all. Can't stand when everything is too muddled together.
I'm not too big on Krallice but Nick is a nice guy, so I sometimes go see them and hangout.

When I met Nick McMasters for the first time, he was sitting cross-legged on the cement in front of stage right at MDF, waiting for Melechesh to show up. We just kinda shot the shit for 5 minutes or so. He's really laid back. The guys in Nazxul were chill too.

Juxtapose that with Watain and their entourage that year, looking back, I can see why my tastes changed the way they did afterward.

Hey UA, you'll probably like these guys.

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Don't know where to put this, but probably here.

You guys know spanish Proclamation finished after the four AMEN albums. Now here's their new project, Sacrificio. It's not only Blasphemy worship, but pretty much old-school black metal filthy revamp. They put out a demo already. People say the sound's stupid because there's drums and bass in the left channel and guitars/vocals on the right but yeah. Maybe that's going to change on the full-length that's in preparation.

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