Black Metal.

So apparently the Ildjarn songs on this split aren't even Ildjarn songs, they are Nidhogg's songs from 1994 re-recorded by someone. That adds some mystique.

Nokturnal Mortum are fucking amazing. Can't believe it took me this long to check em' out. In all fairness, there are a shitload of classic black metal acts I've yet to listen to. That's what happens when you get in the metal game a little late.
Hot news:

New Kult Ofenzivy album should be out in 2014. Its name should be Nauky různic and it's going to be a one 25+min. song divided in ~5 parts. Iron Bonehead is going to release the vinyl version. Apparently a sample is circulating around the internet but I haven't heard it yet.

Can't wait.
It better have their trademark twatatatatatatatatatatatatatata sound.

From what I've heard from a guy I know, the sound is more aggressive and the vocals are even more compelling. But yeah, it's still Kult Ofenzivy, twatatata etc.

I fucking can't wait to hear it dude.
I need more 'desolate' black metal. The kind that sounds like it was composed in a frozen forest. Coldworld and Ash Borer type.
Well I can tell you right off the bat that I like Skagos a bunch and finding Murmurs is proving difficult.
Well it took some hunting, but I managed to snag Fædd Úr Eldi.

This is WILDLY different from Skagos, but damn good. Might be my favorite so far.
Anybody else like Abigail Williams at all? Their album In the Shadow of a Thousand Suns is enjoyable symphonic bm, and their most recent Becoming tapped into atmospheric bm pretty nicely as well. They get a lot of undeserved hate from what I've noticed.
I seem to recall AW getting hate mostly because of the surprise way they got "big" at one point. Abigail Williams t-shirts were selling at Hot Topic for a while, and I think that caused a lot of metal snobs to declare them shit for no good reason.

I think of AW as the black metal Black Dahlia Murder. Good shit, nothing amazing, glad they're around.
i saw AW on the Melechesh/Rotting Christ tour. I actually thought they were decent, and enjoyed their set. I havent heard any studio stuff from them, so I cant comment. They were better than the Behemoth clone, Hate. goddamn terrible shit
Awww I liked Erebos. :(

AW's latest album is damn fine. Solid slab of atmospheric (if overly fuzzy) black metal.