Black Metal.

i saw AW on the Melechesh/Rotting Christ tour. I actually thought they were decent, and enjoyed their set. I havent heard any studio stuff from them, so I cant comment. They were better than the Behemoth clone, Hate. goddamn terrible shit

Don't get me started on Hate. Jesus, that band fucking sucks.
Be sure to check out Solens vemod by Nasheim. Probably my album of the year at this point. Also the new Eternum is really good too.

It's very good, I agree. I haven't given it enough spins, but it's definitely a grower. Easily Erik's best stuff. Per usual, he's modest about it and seems to have disappeared from UM.

Don't get me started on Hate. Jesus, that band fucking sucks.

I'm not a Behemoth fan by any means, but Hate apes them down to the fucking stage clothes. The guitarist or bassist (cant remember) kept trying to look menacing with his no shirt, flabby pasty white belly and the cheesiest corpse paint ive ever seen. The music sucked too.

My buddies and I agreed Hate was awful, and AW was pretty damn good.
Me neither, and I don't plan on ever doing so.

We don't have 'em around here. BUT, I was at a shop called Bontonland which is on Wenceslaw square in Prague, it's a shop with cds and shit. And they had the new Teitanblood cd. I was like yo mang wtf bro lulz.
Anybody else like Abigail Williams at all? Their album In the Shadow of a Thousand Suns is enjoyable symphonic bm, and their most recent Becoming tapped into atmospheric bm pretty nicely as well. They get a lot of undeserved hate from what I've noticed.

We've opened for AW three times, Ken Sorceron always requests us when he's in town. The dude has good ideas, but his perfectionism takes a toll on him every now and then. Nonetheless, their shows are always rather enjoyable.
Well, excuse me for not taking Black Metal advice from someone who has Japanese anime for their avatar and sig pic :lol::rolleyes: Anyone wanna recommend some Abigail Williams to me?

I don't like Abigail Williams, so I can't recommend anything, but you'd probably like them. It seems like the type of stuff that you like.
Fuck yea, new Blood of Kingu.

This Winterfylleth cover of Hate Forest definitely blows my mind/ass.

Which Abigail Williams album/s do you recommend I listen to first?

Start with In the Shadow of a Thousand Suns as it's their most symphonic work. Their early demos had a component of metalcore but they're still quite good. Their second full length was going for more straight up black metal, and their most recent was atmospheric. These guys like to change it up.

Eligos- very cool. What kind of music do you guys play?