Black Metal.

for fans of Paysage d'Hiver and similar ambient/spacey/droney black metal outfits

Also rediscovered Nocternity's Onyx yesterday. Hadn't listened to it in a couple of years and goddamn it's still ass kicking

I have to run but the minute of this that I listened to was sweet as honey wine sipped from the navel of a Danish maiden. I'll be revisiting at the next available opportunity.
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'Tears of Mortal Solitude' by Russia's Forest Stream is a good slice of gothic black/doom. Their follow-up 'The Crown of Winter' is somewhat lacking in comparison. You're gonna have to be in the mood for keyboards with these guys.
I'm still not sure I believe UA is actually an adult.

That Alrakis song is great. I've decided I'm going to start visiting this thread again, and frequently. I'm way behind on recent bands and need some new good stuff.
Had a low productivity day at work today and spun Altar of Plague's Mammal and Teethed Glory and Injury. Mammal really grabbed my interest, but Teethed just seemed to drag on. I'll definitely give it another listen with Mammal being the preceeding album.
So Spotify got all of Lunar Aurora's back catalogue.

Why the fuck did I not know about these albums before. JFC.
That will give me something to listen to at work today.

In other Spotify news, I found Castevet's new record on their this morning; another record to pass the time at work.
I love 'White Tomb' but I remember not liking 'Mammal' all that much because the vocal delivery was so different. I'm gonna give it another listen now because of all of the praise it gets. As for their latest, I thought it started off good but got a little disjointed towards the end. Not a bad album.
So Spotify got all of Lunar Aurora's back catalogue.

Why the fuck did I not know about these albums before. JFC.

Andacht is my favorite album of theirs. Great band.

I found Castevet's new record on their this morning; another record to pass the time at work.

I really hated their new album. Its too progressive for my tastes. :puke:

Mounds of Ash was solid throughout.

Mammal is a great album. Neptune is Dead gives me goosebumps.

Totally agree.
Mounds of Ash was solid throughout.


Mounds of Ash
loses steam in its second half due to lack of variety. I know you're not big into jazz, but I'd say that the album's thickness and rhythmic complexity are as much a downfall as the same qualities in bebop (or Tech Death). After some time the patterns ease me into a hypnotic state, which is clearly unintentional at first blush.

It's not because of Castevet's limitations as a three-piece, either. The right trio can sound as complex and varied as GY!BE's some-odd 14 members (Young Widows and Emerson, Lake and Palmer are both good examples of this). I think that Andrew Hock's newfound ownership of his non-metal influences, most notably Slint, has catalyzed the band, giving Obsian the push that it needed to become a great record. Nick McMasters really puts the icing on the cake with his distinguished voicing, as far as bassists go in metal he is much more of a stand-out than Joshua Scott could have ever hoped to be.