Black Metal.

Lunar Aurora is definitely in my top 10 bands of all time. So many great albums.

Just discovered Cult of Fire recently. Their newest album is fucking great. Exactly what I hope for from modern black metal.
Verdunkeln is some godtier bm. Occult as fuck !


I'm going to pretend like you didn't ask me if that was their debut album, and I recommend all of their albums. Just like any band why not start with the first?
^ Fuck yeah. I had to revisit that, what a great album!

Lunar Aurora are fantastic. I really love the track they did on the Paysage D'Hiver split (A Haudiga Fluag). It's like a 20 minute song but it's a gem. The riffs and melodies on there really takes a close ear but totally worth it.

Friend just introduced me to these guys. Cant wait to listen to the whole album.

EDIT: Can anyone tell me why some YouTube links dont embed the video and I get a stupid link like this?

EDIT 2: Jimmy, great band and album. :kickass:
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EDIT: Can anyone tell me why some YouTube links dont embed the video and I get a stupid link like this?

It only understands "http://", not "https://" so just delete the s and you'll get the video box.
I might be late to the party, but Midnight Odyssey - Firmament is blowing me away right now. Not into the vocals, but this thing has atmosphere nearly on par with In the Nightside Eclipse. It's more of a melodic, melancholic vibe, though.