Black Metal.

That Sun Worship track posted a few pages back was fucking awesome. Went to their bandcamp page and checked their shit out. Great group!

Yeah man, I posted that something like 2-3 weeks ago and still haven't gotten a chance to give them a deeper listen... I think I'm going to lay off gaming this weekend and just clean house/listen to black metal backlog...
^Why not just game while listening to black metal??

Eh. Lately I've either been playing Don't Starve where you need to hear what's going on (howling preceding wolf attacks, etc) or playing ranked League of Legends matches where I want to concentrate and/or voice chat. That, and when digesting new shit I want to give it a fair shot without distractions. But hey, I probably take gaming (and music) more seriously than most ;)

EDIT: At first I think I liked Empyrium, but after more listens his voice is starting to grate...
Eh. Lately I've either been playing Don't Starve where you need to hear what's going on (howling preceding wolf attacks, etc) or playing ranked League of Legends matches where I want to concentrate and/or voice chat. That, and when digesting new shit I want to give it a fair shot without distractions. But hey, I probably take gaming (and music) more seriously than most ;)

EDIT: At first I think I liked Empyrium, but after more listens his voice is starting to grate...

That makes sense. 'Don't Starve' sounds legit, may need to look into that.

As far as Empyrium goes- definitely keep listening to those guys. The music is a thing of beauty, and I'm a huge fan of those harsh vocals. The clean singing does sound goofy at times, but it does go well with the music. They have a new album coming out next month, can't wait.
That makes sense. 'Don't Starve' sounds legit, may need to look into that.

As far as Empyrium goes- definitely keep listening to those guys. The music is a thing of beauty, and I'm a huge fan of those harsh vocals. The clean singing does sound goofy at times, but it does go well with the music. They have a new album coming out next month, can't wait.

Definitely give Don't Starve a shot. Best release in a few years IMO. You might wait for the Steam summer sale.

Back to Empyrium... I've only listened to Songs of Moors & Misty Fields. The clean vocals do kill it for me. Blue Mists & Mourners are both decent songs and the harsh vocals are solid. What's another good one to check out?
'A Wintersunset' is essentially more of the same. Highly recommended. You'll hopefully, eventually get used to those cleans. Their other works are neofolk, but quite good neofolk. Thanks for the tip on Steam:kickass:
for fans of Paysage d'Hiver and similar ambient/spacey/droney black metal outfits

Also rediscovered Nocternity's Onyx yesterday. Hadn't listened to it in a couple of years and goddamn it's still ass kicking
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Any one can please recommend some more good black/doom bands to check out?

I like: Elysian Blaze, Dolorian, The Ruins of Beverast, Funeralium and Raventale.

Progressive Rock/Blackened Doom. The logo in my sig goes to our bandcamp, where you can hear the first album. For you, I'd recommend starting at "Deluge".

Woah, really awesome stuff! Not normally big on chicks with harsh vocals, but they really work well here. Enjoying the progressive elements too. Flutes are always a plus!

Vamos- there you go ^^ Check out Dreadnought.
Also rediscovered Nocternity's Onyx yesterday. Hadn't listened to it in a couple of years and goddamn it's still ass kicking

Schmidt turned me on to that a few years ago. We were on our way to San Antonio late at night & he put that on. I was like wtf is this? This is awesome.
I wonder if I'll get kicked out of the club for saying I love pretentious-ass black metal like ██████ and Black Drop Effect.
I've been listening to Krallice a bit lately and am quite impressed. For some reason or other I never gave these guys too much thought, but they definitely put out some good old fashioned USBM.

And Vamos, I forgot to mention Beatrik if you don't know them already.