Black Metal.

yeah, i think i had bogus expectations going in, that was part of the problem - i'd just read erikson for the first time before i started it. at the same time though, i'm just not particularly big on trad/medieval/etc fantasy, so its appeal is probably gonna be limited even if i approach it with more conservative standards. i'll carry on with it eventually though.
A big part of my reason for loving Erikson so much is that I love being confused as fuck when it comes to fiction. I had a similar reaction to PS1 era JRPGS like Final Fantasy 7 and Xenogears, and, to an even greater extent, Twin Peaks. I love stories that confuse me to the point where I'm thinking about them for weeks on end.

I've had an affinity for medieval history since I was very young so that's my obvious attraction to Martin and anything more traditional.
Every time I come here people are talking about MBotF.

Elsewhere, no one seems to have heard of it (I'm aware it's sold well).


Maybe I should actually finish the series.
Tool is (was?) one of my favourite characters.

Although Kruppe, Karsa, Quick Ben, Fiddler and... Whoever the sea god manservant is.

Guy writes a lot of interesting characters really.

/to be more on topic

am i being blax metal enuf? Was mostly testing out mix and shit but it grew into something like a song. I think the second riff is cool, even if the whole thing is kinda derivative of Aosoth and Deathspell Omega.
MVII was fucking great. The 777 trilogy had interesting parts but was bland as a whole.