Black Metal.

Even with that you've still got early Absu, Grand Belial's Key, Negative Plane, Cobalt, Midnight and Averse Sefira

Yeah I know. I think Midnight is kinda boring, but early Absu is ridiculously specific in their sound and things like that are what makes up the face of the scene imho. Of course there's not the true Scandivanian frosty or Eastern european "pastoral" vibe but yes, you can find different, worthy things in US black metal.
I try. Fuck it feels good.

Regarding all those bands: I dont see how one can draw an arbitrary line grouping Leviathan and those bands together simply because they're all US; Leviathan sounds like none of them. I love all the bands mentioned. But if I want to listen to Profanatica, I'll listen to Profanatica. Leviathan is completely different, and to argue otherwise is fucking idiocy.
I try. Fuck it feels good.

Regarding all those bands: I dont see how one can draw an arbitrary line grouping Leviathan and those bands together simply because they're all US; Leviathan sounds like none of them. I love all the bands mentioned. But if I want to listen to Profanatica, I'll listen to Profanatica. Leviathan is completely different, and to argue otherwise is fucking idiocy.

Basically, this.

Speaking of Profanatica, is that "Sickened By The Holy Host/The Grand Masters Session" EP worth listening to? Or "Thy Kingdom Cum", for that matter? I haven't heard any of those yet.
I don't know about you guys, but I don't really pay attention to where the band is from or what they're trying to emulate, if I listen to it and like it, that's all that matters.
Caladan Brood just about usurped the masters with Echoes of Battle, and they're from, of all places, Salt Lake City.

That being said, I couldn't care less where a band is from. But yeah, people will be prejudiced against USBM simply because it is USBM. Apparently, we Americans can't be frostbitten, angry, or grim. It's all surfboards, Baywatch, and bikinis here, I tell ya.

Havohej is putrid garbage. Demoncy aint much better.
Caladan Brood just about usurped the masters with Echoes of Battle, and they're from, of all places, Salt Lake City.

Not to depreciate Summoning at all, but from now on I will measure all their releases (at least partially) against Caladan Brood's debut. Hopefully those guys can keep producing beasts though, because they have a lot to live up to.
Allright, lemme go through some USBM here. No particular order, top 10.

1) Caladan Brood. Shit yeah these guys are good. One album, however, does not dethrone the might of Summoning. I am overly eager for their next release. Did you guys notice Ered Wethrin, also from Salt Lake City, vocally sounds very much like these guys?
2) Ceremonial Castings. Yes, UltimateApathy likes them but you know what, so do I dammit! Really good band from WA. Definitely on the more brutal side of melodic/symphonic black metal spectrum. Good stuff.
3) Agalloch. Why not call them black metal? It's fine. They rock.
4) Falls of Rauros. May be my favorite actually. Something about this band brings you to nature a lot closer than other comparative acts. Campfire black metal. Their demos may be their strongest work, but don't quote me on that.
5) Cobalt. These guys are sick and are not afraid to change it up. Eater of Birds is a favorite.
6) Krohm. Peeps say they're depressive bm, but I don't really hear that. It's just some really dark minimalistic shit.
7) Wolves in the Throne Room. Can get boring at times, but when they're on they're on. Black Cascade gets the job done for me.
8) Oak Pantheon. Similar to Falls of Rauros. Good folky stuff.
9) Panopticon. Kentucky was a beast, and if you like bluegrass it's a great combo of music.
10) Abigail Williams. Their good shit is good. I especially like In the Shadow of a Thousand Suns.

PS- Leviathan and Xasthur can stay the fuck out.
Haha, yup. I know they get a lot of hate but whenever their shit comes up on my player I definitely dig the tunes. 'Becoming' was atmospheric black that shouldn't be scoffed at yo.
caladan brood are pretty cool and probably better than recent summoning, if a little overhyped.

also they're a band based on the malazan series who don't suck like chain of dogs did, and that's fucking awesome because the malazan books shit all over a song of ice and fire and most other fantasy from a great height!