Black Metal.

Xasthur and Leviathan are really dissimilar though. They just seemed to peak in popularity about the same time and both be from California, and the split LP they did seems to have permanently linked them. I think that split, the Nortt split, The Funeral of Being, and Subliminal Genocide are the highlights.

Xasthur definitely had more commercial success, and I think the total body of work is better too. I'd accept arguments to the contrary based on being first or having a better peak. Xasthur after Subliminal Genocide is pretty bad, but I don't think very much of later Mutiilation or Manes either.
Xasthur and Leviathan are really dissimilar though. They just seemed to peak in popularity about the same time and both be from California, and the split LP they did seems to have permanently linked them. I think that split, the Nortt split, The Funeral of Being, and Subliminal Genocide are the highlights.

Xasthur definitely had more commercial success, and I think the total body of work is better too. I'd accept arguments to the contrary based on being first or having a better peak. Xasthur after Subliminal Genocide is pretty bad, but I don't think very much of later Mutiilation or Manes either.

Yeah later Mutiilation is pretty fucking awful. I just think Remains and Vampires are top tier black metal records; Xasthur's best work is a tier or two down. As far as Manes goes, I'm really only familiar with Under ein blodraud maane. I wouldn't take offense to putting Xasthur's best work on the same pedestal. Both accomplish what they set out to accomplish, which happens to be quite different.
I particularly love Nocturnal Poisoning. It's got a vast yet distant sound, as if viewing some horrendous underworld through a vision. The riffs are bleak and menacing.

Yeah. Agreed. The coolest things about this album are its recording imperfections, like how you can hear him literally plug his guitar in and/or turn his amp on at the beginning of every fucking song. Also, the keyboards are amazing.
I liked under ein blodraud maane, but the demos that came before are manes superior material.

Vilosophe was....interesting.

What I've heard from leviathan and xasthur didnt convince me that it was something that needed investigating
Can't see any appeal in Xasthur's work. I've tried to enjoy some of his albums but... awful, awful stuff.

Telepathic with the Deceased, Violate the Oblivious or whatever the fuck its called, and Nocturnal Poisoning are awesome.

Also when it comes to Leviathan, Tenth Sublevel of Suicide is a fantastic release.
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Yeah, that was a pretty good song. Doesn't strike me as very unique, but it's worth checking out the album. Reminds me a fair amount of early Shining albums with more pace to the songwriting.

Worst logo ever is a pretty bold claim, considering the vast swath of black metal that has existed and continues to exist. I'm going to confidently say it's not the worst. It's weird you say this while presenting the non-logo of Leviathan (Swe). At the very least, the bleeding crescent moon symbol is an effective shorthand for the band name. It's possible to make out all the letters, and it's as symmetrical as a great many logos are. Really not sure why this one would be singled out.
Leviathan (US) is pretty awful all around.

Shit like that gives US black metal a bad name (or it used to anyways, I don't hear nearly as much hate against it) when I could listen to Profanatica or Inquisition? So why would I ever bother with that mess.
Leviathan (US) is pretty awful all around.

Shit like that gives US black metal a bad name (or it used to anyways, I don't hear nearly as much hate against it) when I could listen to Profanatica or Inquisition? So why would I ever bother with that mess.

I still like to consider Inquisition south-american just so I can continue talking shit about US black metal. I like Profanatica though, but I don't consider them artistic or innovative in any way, just fucking evil and mad as fuck. Oh and I don't see why Demoncy gets so much hype. (I should hide now).