Black Metal.

Whats everyone's thoughts on Gorgoroth? I really like the first 3 albums. Any others worth checking out?

My friend recommended the albums with Gaahl on vocals, but the little Ive heard of the material he appears on doesnt really impress me enough to be stoked on checking out more...
Try return to the isle of men

I was under the impression that record is basically just demo versions of Heart of the Ages. Is there actually distinct material on it?

Whats everyone's thoughts on Gorgoroth? I really like the first 3 albums. Any others worth checking out?

My friend recommended the albums with Gaahl on vocals, but the little Ive heard of the material he appears on doesnt really impress me enough to be stoked on checking out more...

I really only know Pentagram and Antichrist well. Both are good, but not great, black metal albums. I enjoy them, but don't see anything special or exemplary about them.
Whats everyone's thoughts on Gorgoroth? I really like the first 3 albums. Any others worth checking out?

My friend recommended the albums with Gaahl on vocals, but the little Ive heard of the material he appears on doesnt really impress me enough to be stoked on checking out more...

So far as the big bands go, I primarily got into BM via Darkthrone, Enslaved and Immortal. Didn't really pay much attention to Gorgoroth until a bit later. The first three are cool, Incipit Satan (think that was the first I heard) too. Not really heard much of the rest.

Similarly to bands like Marduk and Watain and Mayhem (most) Emperor they lack whatever it is that I find really compelling in music, and so I don't listen to them all that often.

Gaaahl is a nice chap.
Whats everyone's thoughts on Gorgoroth? I really like the first 3 albums. Any others worth checking out?

My friend recommended the albums with Gaahl on vocals, but the little Ive heard of the material he appears on doesnt really impress me enough to be stoked on checking out more...

As far as riffy second-wave BM is concerned, Incipit Satan is right up there with Gehenna and Taake, imo. I still jam it sometimes... the others with Gaahl on vocals, not so much.

And anyone who's heard "When Love Rages Wild in my Heart" wasn't stunned when Gaahl came out.
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Does anyone still remember this? This track is unique to me, unlike the entire album is. The guitar chills me everytime, and the vocals hurt my ears badly, especially when I listen to it on my phone earphones.

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