Black Metal.

wow, those drums sound real. too used to hearing electronic snares from those guys

He got a drummer in to do Triunity, so maybe. Without listening again (using shitty headphones anyway) I thought the drums sounded like they were probably programmed, only done to sound more lifelike than they have in the past.

Sounds good though, not that that's a surprise. Although nothing really caught me like the best moments of the first two MV albums, which is mildly disconcerting given that bands tend to throw out the better parts of songs as samples.

Speaking of Old Wainds, I'm going to listen to "Nordraum" tonight. Anyone heard it yet? Am I in for a delightful treat?

I'd forgotten these guys existed. Listened to Scalding Coldness loads when it came out but I don't think I've ever heard anything else. More treats for me.
I've not heard any Mysticum at all, myself.

As for Blood of Kingu, Sun In The House Of The Scorpion is great, and the first album is pretty good. Both worth your time. That dude does Hate Forest, too. Check that out, too. It's solid, if not a little boring.
Battlefields is awesome. I found everything else to be overwhelmingly boring. blastbeast blah black metal.

In the Stream of inferno was pretty good for industrial black metal. not really my thing, but better than what passes for the sub genre now.
-Leviathan is solid.
-Grouping bands by country is pointless.

I get it with smaller countries like Norway, Sweden, or Greece where there actually were distinct styles and aesthetics, but not the fucking US. I mean there are more people in LA county alone then there are in Norway. Furthermore, there's never been a distinct "American style" of black metal. As you would expect with a giant country, there's a wild spectrum of styles.

-Caladan Brood and Summoning can lick my nuts.

I'm listening to Abigor for the first time. This may take a few listens to form an opinion. It's raw, evil, the riffs are decent, but it feels lifeless and a little shallow. Maybe it's an attempt at minimalism but the riffs are intricate and interesting enough to negate need for a minimalist sound. I'll listen more and see if I'm missing something.

EDIT: I'm listening to Satanized. Are there better releases to check out? I don't hate this, but would like to see if there's better from them. Also, this drummer is a tad floppy in his playing. I chuckled a couple times.
stronghold was the last summoning album i truly appreciated. i like the recent ones, but minas morgul and dol guldur, and nightshade forests are supreme black metal.

caladan brood is good