Black Metal.

Definitely digging that track man. Nice and evil. I remembered not liking their vocals a while back, but nothing wrong with them here. I probably confused them with someone else.

You may have listened to the first album. As a whole it mixed and vocalized way too "screechy" to that point that it actually gave me a headache.
That album is really weak tho.

I listened to it like once when it came out and haven't returned to it . . . sometimes an album takes several (or even a lot) of listens, but I haven't ever wanted to go back to that one, so . . . I'm inclined to agree.

I do like Lawless Darkness a lot though. Haven't gone further back into the catalog though I keep meaning to.
I used to own Lawless Darkness and Rabid Death's Curse but I gave them away years ago, Watain are extremely boring to me.

I heard their newest album contained some Viking Metal vibes or something?
There was this one song that roommates kept telling me sounded like Blasphemy. It didn't. Their Bathory tribute album was pretty solid though. They should just be a Bathory tribute band.