Black Metal.

Somebody link some good Black Metal, I've got the day off and I'm trolling around on GTA 5 online.

Can't be arsed to link (I am on my cell phone) but:

Nyktalgia - Peisithanatos
Nekrokrist SS - Suicide
Thy Light -
Sad - Abandoned and Forgotten
Make a Change... Kill Yourself - II
Happy Days/Eindig - The First Step Towards Suicide
Baptism - The Beherial Midnight
Archgoat - The Light-Devouring Darkness

I also second Fullmoon - United Aryan Evil
Yeah, didn't like any of that, haven't gotten to Baptism or Goatwhore yet though, but thanks for the recommendations all the same.

Edit: I assume you meant Archgoat not Goatwhore by the way?

No worries.

And I did mean Archgoat, lmao. Was going by memory for that one.

Got it on CD ages ago, one of my better buys. Only one I physically own though. I really need to dig my CD collection out of my grandparents place and bring it to my apartment.
Morbid Insulter I already know and like.
Out of the rest I really liked Hades Archer, that shit kicked my ass!
I'd heard of them but fuck, I really regret not checking them out before, cheers.
Oh and Bekhira was pretty good too.
United Aryan Evil is superb. About as good as it gets.

Unfortunately anything else I've heard from Fullmoon is a huge letdown.

There are no other releases by this band, what are you talking about mate? MA says: "Only one demo, United Aryan Evil, was officially released before the band went on hold in 1998. All other songs/demos circulating in the internet were just unofficial recordings that weren't ever properly released."
There are no other releases by this band, what are you talking about mate? MA says: "Only one demo, United Aryan Evil, was officially released before the band went on hold in 1998. All other songs/demos circulating in the internet were just unofficial recordings that weren't ever properly released."

I'm not sure, but I think he's being facetious.