Black Metal.

Yeah, they shat out a whole lot of bricks along with one golden egg ;)

That's one of their worst albums. Almost everyone agrees on that. You're a serious outlier.

I've always preferred Hate Forest to Drudkh. Forgotten Legends is all right, nothing else does much for me at all.

100% agree. I think Drudkh was one of the most overhyped black metal bands in recent years.
Apparently all the Black Metal critics online are shitting themselves (in a good way) over this album. Any thoughts?

I've listened to every Sigh album and Hangman's Hymn is easily the worst of them. I really don't think that style is a good fit for them.

Sigh's pretty dumb but I like them because beneath the gimmickry there's solid primitive first wave black metal which is a thing I don't hear often enough. Also Mirai's one of my favorite growlers.

On that note, does anyone know any good black metal bands that owe more to the first wave than anything that came later? Like I said, it's not a thing I hear often enough.
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I've listened to every Sigh album and Hangman's Hymn is easily the worst of them. I really don't think that style is a good fit for them.

Sigh's pretty dumb but I like them because beneath the gimmickry there's solid primitive first wave black metal which is a thing I don't hear often enough. Also Mirai's one of my favorite growlers.


WTF? The first song has barely a blast beat in sight and none of the signature Sigh "weirdness," but it's still not nearly as bad as the second song, which has that highly-annoying trad metal vibe to it. Give me this over that shit any day of the week:

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Are blastbeats associated with first wave Black Metal? I hadn't thought they really were.

Black Metal of a more first wave variety is my thing definitely, I honestly for the most part don't like what Black Metal became after the 80's.
I vastly prefer the second wave, but I hold that anyone who hates on the first wave (or by extension, first-wave inspired bands) probably uses their ass as a storage space.
What Vegard posted was better, dude.

Eh, what's that? Sorry, I'm having difficulty concentrating because I'm still really drowsy after listening to the two snooze-worthy Sigh songs that were posted just now. Luckily I can still listen to the most original and unique album they ever made to wake up again. I can't even remotely think of any other band that has made an album that is as simultaneously epic, weird, intense, and beautiful as "Hangman's Hymn."