Anyone else investigating the underground USBM scene?
In the past, I was never a fan of USBM. It wasnt due to genre snobbishness (I'm American, after all), but due to the lack of quality. I've never liked Xasthur, Demoncy, Leviathan, or even Weakling. I found Absu mediocre at best.
With the rise of Caladan Brood and their magnificent debut, it seems USBM is finally ascending beyond the scraps of the supposed superiority of Europe. Ered Wethrin, Ifing, Noltem, Hoth, Appalachian Winter, Winterlore, Mare Cognitum, Alda, Obsequiae, Nechochwen and Haethen are just a few worthy names to be found in the germinating underground, not on your Nuclear Blasts or Candlelights.
EDIT: Fuck Krallice and that Deafheaven/Liturgy shit