Black Metal.

DITD: not too bad, but not something i'd listen to all the time

very lo fi quality but I'm loving this, i also listened to a band called Eternus, you should check out
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Got it, new guy and ITP.

If the album is in fact rubbish, bad, etc., what do you think got the hype train a-rollin on this gal's newfound metal career?

Slayed Necros isn't a new poster.

Popularity is not an indicator for quality and all metal fans should know that and never try to use it in an argument.
Second this question? I haven't been on here in an eternity, and my recent BM has been limited to established bands, Enslaved, BAN, Darkspace etc, none of which I really liked.

Glad to hear new Mgla coming out. With Hearts Toward None ruled.

Welcome back!

The new Mgla is rad. You didn't like the new Arcturus, Enslaved or Leviathan albums? Those are by and large some of the biggest highlights of the year. Here are some really good up and comers though.

False's untitled debut

Akhlys - The Dreaming I

It's not entirely black metal, but you'll dig Pyramids' new record A Northern Meadow.

The new Regarde Les Hommes Tomber is supposed to be delightful, but I'm giving it a first spin tonight so more on that later.

the answer is in your question.


You think that a woman playing metal is still sensational enough to carry an artist that far?