Black Metal.

alright, here are some bands i want to check out.give some opinions:

Kataxu - Hunger of Elements
Helrunar - Frostnacht
SVEST - Urfaust

Thanks for the opinions on Fanisk's Noontide.
alright, here are some bands i want to check out.give some opinions:

Kataxu - Hunger of Elements
Helrunar - Frostnacht
SVEST - Urfaust

Thanks for the opinions on Fanisk's Noontide.

I like the Kataxu album. I don't know how you feel about keyboards but it has a lot of keyboards. It's not frilly shirt & top hat crap though. I'd describe the music as very epic, majestic, and aggressive. There is one moment on the album that reminds me of something shit like Arcturus but it's only a very short part and the rest of the album is really solid.
So I was listening to Krieg - The Black House as I was going to sleep last night and it was creeping me out. I don't what it was but in my semiconscious state I was quite frightened.

I had a similar reaction to Darkthrone's "Transilvanian Hunger" when I listened to it the night I bought it. It felt like a disembodied hand was reaching out to rip off my face, if I had to describe the feeling. :zombie:
I had a similar reaction to Darkthrone's "Transilvanian Hunger" when I listened to it the night I bought it. It felt like a disembodied hand was reaching out to rip off my face, if I had to describe the feeling. :zombie:

That is interesting. The similes are making me feel all trippy :zombie:
You can hear my band by clicking on the link in my sig. We wrote this song this week. I play drums. I should add that it was recorded in my basement using a single track with a $20 mic, so forgive the shit quality. I don't know anything about mixing. You'll have to turn up the speakers a bit.
I'm somewhat interested in Marduk at the moment; if I could only get one album, what would you recommend?
I'm partial to Panzer Division Marduk, but it's really a one trick pony.

Nachtmystium freaked me out when I took it to bed, but more in an alien-abduction-black-metal kind of vibe.
I listened to Nachtmystium - Demise last night. It's much more traditional than Instinc: Decayt, but I still loved it.

How are you liking it overall though?
I'm going to need to listen to it again, (I was falling asleep when I listened to it) but from what I heard I liked it. Seemingly simple riffs (which I like in BM) with good drumming and obviously a good atmosphere.
alright, here are some bands i want to check out.give some opinions:

Kataxu - Hunger of Elements
Helrunar - Frostnacht
SVEST - Urfaust

Haven't heard the other two, but the Helrunar songs Minis Brunnr and Der Trank Des Gehangten are in my top 250 Black Metal tracks.