Black Metal.

:err: I don't see mention of Dutch blackmetal in the thread .

Bestial Summoning
Malefic Oath
Bhaobhan Sidhe
Funeral Winds
Domini Inferi
Sabbatical Goat
Satanic Blood
Hell Icon

Add Urfaust to that list.
Hatebreeder said:
I need to start expanding my library. I'm ready to dig deeper into the black metal scene. Any suggestions of bands that are decently easy to find and fulfilling?

I'm keeping my mouth shut until you have a heterosexual band as your username...

lol I nearly helped until I saw that.
Best Bodom album, but that's a different story for a different time :p...even Nec/Dodens likes it.

So has anyone else listened to the new Furze or Dodsferd albums yet?!
Stormblast is way fuckin better than For All Tid, IMO. dunno if anyone else agrees though.

yeah i agree with you, stormblast is one of their best albums

and children of bodom have brought out a best of album, the song selection is pretty good but i just can't remember what they put on it
Why the hell doesn't anybody listen to Profanatica yet? I mention them every time USBM is mentioned, and I still never see anyone else talk about them. LISTEN TO THEM, GOD DAMNIT. They're the best Black Metal from the US of all time.


the problem with Profanatica is that they haven't released a single full length album. Weeping in Heaven EP is great tho.
Instead listen to Havohej - Dethrone the son of god

If you have a record player Hells Headbangers has a nice Profanatica compilation of all their material in Double LP format. Looks nice to boot!