Black Metal.

Why the hell doesn't anybody listen to Profanatica yet? I mention them every time USBM is mentioned, and I still never see anyone else talk about them. LISTEN TO THEM, GOD DAMNIT. They're the best Black Metal from the US of all time.

That's how I feel whenever I mention Hekel! People don't know what they're missing!
Also, I've been digging through my CD collection today, revisiting some modern Black Metal which I've been neglecting for a long time.

These are good:

Belenos - Errances Oniriques
Dub Buk - Idu Na Wy!
Glorior Belli - Ô Laudate Dominvs
Galgeras - Booswichterij
Eternal Majesty - From War to Darkness
Stutthof - Towards Thy Astral Path
Tenebrae In Perpetuum - Onori Funebri Rituali

These aren't:

Nehëmah - Shadows From the Past...
Sin Origin - Night Aeternal
:err: I don't see mention of Dutch blackmetal in the thread .

Bestial Summoning
Malefic Oath
Bhaobhan Sidhe
Funeral Winds
Domini Inferi
Sabbatical Goat
Satanic Blood
Hell Icon
Why the hell doesn't anybody listen to Profanatica yet? I mention them every time USBM is mentioned, and I still never see anyone else talk about them. LISTEN TO THEM, GOD DAMNIT. They're the best Black Metal from the US of all time.
Are they raw bm, or are they more trad metal influenced bm, like the USBM bands I tend to like?
I once tried to get a Profanatica CD, but it got too expensive. So I got the Havohej CD instead, as it's many of the same songs. Plus, the cover is hilarious.

as for USBM, Demoncy is very good, particularly Joined in Darkness.

anyone ever heard Fanisk's "Noontide"? NSBM from Portland. Seriously.
I just bought Dimmu Borgir's Enthrone Darkness album and I was just literally blown away with it. This album has got to be one of the best purchases I ever made. So far..I skimmed thru the whole album except for the first three song, only because those 3 tunes are KILLER!

If that's as far back as you've gone, I Highly recommend For all Tid and Stormblast. It's the only Dimmu I listen to.
I need to start expanding my library. I'm ready to dig deeper into the black metal scene. Any suggestions of bands that are decently easy to find and fulfilling?

Drudkh - Autumn Aurora
Blut Aus Nord - Ultima Thulee
Diabolical Masqurade - The Phantom Lodge
Naglfar - Sheol
And Oceans - The Dynamic Gallery of Thoughts
Taake - Over Bjoergvin Graater Himmeri
Summoning - Dol Gulder
Enslaved - Vikingligr Veldi