Black Metal.

Okay, good. I hate to judge a book by its cover, but the band's logo, name, album cover, etc., doesn't seem like a good formula for black metal to me. But hey, to each their own I guess. I'll get it.
Here is an interesting topic, for me at least.
Post Black metal. The only bands that could really fit this bill for me would be later Mayhem and some Sigh. But I really don't know all that much. What qualifies a band to be post black metal and what are it's characteristics? And what are some bands I probably know besides the ones I named that fit the description?
Post-black metal is metal that is going into an "undefined" territory (within the genre, that is) but still retaining some or most of the key elements of BM (particularly production at some points, atmosphere, structure, etc.).
American black metal = awesomeness

on another note, does anyone know of any distros that carry Abyssic Hate albums?
The only American bm bands I like are:

Absu (more thrash than black metal)
Tearstained (not 100% black metal, but anyways)

Actually, come to think of it, none of those four bands are pure black metal. GBK has some death metal in their sound, and Grom has lots of death metal and thrash in their sound.
The only American bm bands I like are:

Absu (more thrash than black metal)
Tearstained (not 100% black metal, but anyways)

Actually, come to think of it, none of those four bands are pure black metal. GBK has some death metal in their sound, and Grom has lots of death metal and thrash in their sound.

Meh, I don't understand the hatred towards USBM. Demoncy and Krieg are both good example that USBM doesn't suck.
Why the hell doesn't anybody listen to Profanatica yet? I mention them every time USBM is mentioned, and I still never see anyone else talk about them. LISTEN TO THEM, GOD DAMNIT. They're the best Black Metal from the US of all time.

the problem with Profanatica is that they haven't released a single full length album. Weeping in Heaven EP is great tho.
Instead listen to Havohej - Dethrone the son of god