Black Metal.

that's the thing. they're a black metal parody band. I just listened to their demo Panzerfaust Division Blackthrone...hilarious
Heh, I've heard of them and one another black metal perody band before. I think many 'kvt and tr00' black metal bands even signed a petition against their existance.
Christian black metal bands should have to stand in the corner facing the wall and think about what they did.
Blacklodge's Login:Satan is pretty decent for industrial influenced BM (not in the bad The Kovenant way though, its still mainly BM).

Also I dl Lunar Aurora's discog awhile back and still haven't listened to it all yet even once. But based on what I have heard so far they generally get better through time as I found their earlier releases quite boring while Elixir of Sorrow and Zyklus are definite improvements.