Black Metal.

The Hungarian(?) band?! They're actually fucking good! They need a name change, but they had some free demos available on their site a while back and still do most likely. Great folk/BM shit!
HOLY SHIT! Lunar Aurora Andacht has finally started to click with me and in a very strong manner. Anyone wanting Black Metal with Mid-paced/slow steady guitarwork and some fantastic drumming as well as fantastic keyboard undertones should def. check this out. Music is very deep and meaningfully convincing. Also it's damnright(I hate using this word) atmospheric. Brings you to a dark yet majestic dimension with a slightly epic feel. Best release of 07 that I've heard so far.
HOLY SHIT! Lunar Aurora Andacht has finally started to click with me and in a very strong manner. Anyone wanting Black Metal with Mid-paced/slow steady guitarwork and some fantastic drumming as well as fantastic keyboard undertones should def. check this out. Music is very deep and meaningfully convincing. Also it's damnright(I hate using this word) atmospheric. Brings you to a dark yet majestic dimension with a slightly epic feel. Best release of 07 that I've heard so far.

Interesting. I shall check it out, sounds like something I would like.
Ahhhh!!!!!!!!!! The new Grimlair's album "Locked Up And Forgotten" is out!!!!!
Yess!!! Yeeeees!!! :worship: :worship: :worship: