Black Metal.

Your personal inability to keep up with albums and remember your opinions of them isn't a problem that I share. As I've listened to black metal for several years, I've had the opportunity to hear many good albums and also many that were mediocre or just terrible. I would recommend keeping notes to help you remember things. You can even revisit them later and see if the notes hold up.

You are so conceited it's unbelievable.

edit: I should point out that I actually contradicted myself. I have RYM (in my signature!), so I do keep track of shit I buy (but not necessarily listen to and not buy). Opinions change as the years roll by though, so keeping notes isn't necessarily foolproof.

I still think you're exaggerating.
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Tracking what you own and having an solid opinion on the albums that you own are two very different things. I generally take notes on anything that I don't listen to regularly and edit them during future listens if my opinion changes. It's just a statement that I find this to be an easy and functional method of documenting my thoughts at the time of listening to music.
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Tracking what you own and having an solid opinion on the albums that you own are two very different things. I generally take notes on anything that I don't listen to regularly and edit them during future listens if my opinion changes. It's just a statement that I find this to be an easy and functional method of documenting my thoughts at the time of listening to music.

And yet I rank all my albums and when I revisit them and my opinion changes I will rerank.

You really do have poor reading comprehension and deduction.
Weird. I don't see anything in your previous post about ranking albums at all. It must have disappeared between now and when you claimed that I can't read.

If you have the ability to document your opinions on music, why am I exaggerating on my ability to do so? Tell me.
I thought the ranking part was implied given the account is at RATE Your Music

The volume. If it's all you do in your spare time, then I could see it as being feasible. But since you claim to have a social life (and a successful love life), I don't really think that's plausible. If you listen to music at work with no distractions, it's also plausible. I can tell you I can't listen to an entire album without being interrupted for something at work. If you can also listen to it without zoning out with work, then yes it's probably feasible. Being a supervisor, I can imagine it's difficult for you to listen to music for extended periods without interruption (if your employer allows that at all). I have no idea what your particular duties are for this position at this company, though.

I wish I were able to listen to thousands of albums and retain all of the aural details with minute precision like you claim. Unfortunately, I can't claim such a superhuman feat.
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I have RYM (in my signature!), so I do keep track of shit I buy

Weird. I don't see anything in your previous post about ranking albums at all. It must have disappeared between now and when you claimed that I can't read.

You really do have poor reading comprehension and deduction.

I wish I were able to listen to thousands of albums and retain all of the aural details with minute precision like you claim. Unfortunately, I can't claim such a superhuman feat.

I will admit that I am exaggerating about remembering everything about thousands of albums when you can show me where I said that I can do that. I specifically stated that I use notes to assist me in tracking my opinions because I can not do that even though my recall is excellent. I'm certain that I could question your reading comprehension, but I will chalk it up to deliberately not reading what I said instead.

As for my job, I spend at least 6 hours per day alone in my office working on spreadsheets and collateral and can listen to music if I want to. I only submit these things electronically, so I don't have interruptions. As for my love life, who says that I have been in a constant relationship during the entire time that I've been listening to music?
Yeah, I heard that new Ketzer album and was like "Da Fuq happened here?" Shame, too. Their first two albums are great D666 worship, but I guess they want that skillrah more than they want dat pussah.
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