Black Metal.

Maybe not 10/10 albums but 7.5 and higher, easily and those types of albums are perfectly listenable. Doesn't hurt that the black metal umbrella may be the biggest in metal.

I'm not much of a fan of Nargaroth so I'll agree with the sentiment.
I'd die trying to list 250. Also I'd feel shitty listing things I don't own and no way in Hell do I own 250 Black Metal releases let alone albums.
There are a lot of gems in black metal. I could name 25 albums from the same country that are all better than anything by Nargaroth without breaking a sweat.

It does have more garbage than almost any other genre of music, and metal fans who almost exclusively listen to black metal tend to like a ton of extremely mediocre and derivative bands.
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250 though? He probably wasn't literally meaning 250 but if he was, I'm out. Motherfuckers will start naming Gorgoroth and early Cradle Of Filth. Pure desperation.
I actually think Under the Sign of Hell is the best thing the band ever did. It and Pentagram are fantastic even if the rest are pretty throwaway.
250 though? He probably wasn't literally meaning 250 but if he was, I'm out. Motherfuckers will start naming Gorgoroth and early Cradle Of Filth. Pure desperation.

This is the stupidest thing that I've ever read considering that it's about Slayed Necros of all people on this site. You're not impressing anyone worth their salt with your obvious lack of black metal listening experience.
I agree that 250 10/10 albums are hard to find but 250 albums worth listening to? Without a doubt. I mean Graveland alone for example got 10+ good albums.
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If you count EPs, demos and all the sub-genres and cross-over bands, then I think there are 250 records that are at least a 8.5/10. If you count 1st wave stuff, that would make it even easier. Of course, it's all relative to how much black metal speaks to you.
I don't think that it would be that hard to put together a list of at least 250 full-length black metal albums that are worth listening to.
I don't think that it would be that hard to put together a list of at least 250 full-length black metal albums that are worth listening to.

Worth listening to? No, it wouldn't. Very good to great? I would say it's a bit of a challenge. Then again, it depends how high your standard is and how rigorous you are with how you rate albums. Naturally, words like "great" "very good" etc. are quite subjective.
I have very high standards and I still don't consider it an intimidating task. I'm not sure why anyone who tries to profess knowledge of such a prolific genre of music would find that so unlikely.
According to RYM I own 389 black metal releases. I could easily make a quality list of 250 just from those releases, and there's lots of good stuff I don't own. Gorgoroth's first three are perfect btw.

This reminded me that someone was selling a copy of The Advent by DAI recently on eBay and it might still be there. Did you ever get it?