Black Metal.

Also, the latest EP from Spectral Lore. Very minimalist and seems to be quite a departure from III. Need to give it a more in depth listen as III was one of my favorite albums from 2014

So is Countess any good? I came across their first two albums for cheap and they fucking suck. I see people call them epic heavy/black metal but those two albums are mediocre lofi black metal with some annoying ass drum machine thwapthwapthwapthwap sound I can't quite ignore.

I really want to try them again if they actually are what people say they are, so does anyone have a better suggestion for albums by the band?

Oh their first two albums are indeed shit. I love Book of the Heratic, which is like a set of black metal ballads, and The Shining Swords of Hate, which is very hypnotic. That said, the muscianship and production is at best, weird and the musicianship is often sloppy. I find them highly effective and unique, but that said, I can see why many would hate them.

After that, his sound becomes fairly formulaic and all the albums start to sound similar- first wave black metal worship with a dose of epic heavy metal. Helig Vuur is probably the best of these records.
So how is Black Metal ist Krieg? I wanna give it a go based on the name alone but I've heard a lot of bad things.

It's not as bad as you've probably heard, but it isn't great either. Fairly derivative, but it's called "A Dedication Monument" for a reason. Most of it is well executed second wave black metal. Herbstleyd, on the other hand, is a masterpiece.
A masterpiece by Nargaroth standards, maybe. In the grand scheme of things, it's a pretty average album in terms of quality.