Black Metal.

Krallice is one of the few atmospheric black metal bands where I feel the length of their tracks really hurt them. Chop off a few minutes fellas, I'm sure it'll start sounding a little more tolerable. There's definitely good shit buried in there though.
Spectral Lore is amazing. You must be talking about III. It is long i agree. But totally engrossing. When i listen to SL i have to know ive got an hour with no interruptions
Spectral Lore is amazing. You must be talking about III. It is long i agree. But totally engrossing. When i listen to SL i have to know ive got an hour with no interruptions

Yeah, I was talking about III. Honestly, it's the only album of theirs I listened to completely. It is indeed engrossing, but are you focused enough every time to listen to the whole thing?

The only song which isn't on III but entices me is The Thorns That Guide My Warpath which is pretty evocative.
Checked out Graupel's Auf alten Wegen... and that is a premier slice of black metal. A good example of why I hold German black metal amongst the best.

Graupel are great but Verdunkeln are way better imo. The sound of the S/T Verdunkeln album gives me chills. And tracks like Trollraum and Einst War es Mal are just pure black metal brilliance.
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I highly doubt that 100 black metal albums that I would enjoy came out in 2015, but I commend anyone for being willing to make such a big list.
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It works so well for one man bands I think is why you see so many. That and the fact that it's definitionally the most open ended of genres.

That said lightfox is good stuff. He runs that channel and atmospheric black metal albums too. Everything on his list which I've heard I can comment positively on besides drudkh.