Black Metal.


So, this is pretty good. I will follow Krow's advice and only stick to one since he said they all sound kinda similar..

Worst. Advice. Ever.
Worst. Advice. Ever.

I can't remember what he said exactly and I can't find the post.

edit: here's one from the Metal 2016 thread about the new Summoning album. Not in reply to me, but:

I'm sure it'll sound interchangeable with the rest of their albums. Man I like that band but I feel like I cheated myself buying a bunch of their albums. Like maybe 2 would have been plenty.
So is Countess any good? I came across their first two albums for cheap and they fucking suck. I see people call them epic heavy/black metal but those two albums are mediocre lofi black metal with some annoying ass drum machine thwapthwapthwapthwap sound I can't quite ignore.

I really want to try them again if they actually are what people say they are, so does anyone have a better suggestion for albums by the band?
Ad Maiorem Sathanae Gloriam is probably the best Countess album. The newer albums are the ones more influenced by heavy metal.
I can't remember what he said exactly and I can't find the post.

edit: here's one from the Metal 2016 thread about the new Summoning album. Not in reply to me, but:
I've never understood the aversion towards having more of something you already like. It's a really dumb mentality imo.
i agree, but criticising a band for becoming increasingly formulaic is fine. i wish summoning albums did sound more different from one another - they used to moreso earlier in their career. listening to something comfortably appealing isn't as memorable an experience as hearing something fresh and novel.
I mean, people can do what they want, but I generally like things whether or not their outputs have become formulaic (relative to their other material) or not. More of what I already like is always a good thing for me.
Some bands do great with the "if it's not broken don't fix it" formula. Why would you want The Ramones to change their sound when there are plenty of other bands changing their sound all the time?
Countess is OK. The heavy metal thing in their sound is vastly overstated. However, Spawn of Steel, Heilig Vuur, and Holocaust of the God Believers are pretty good. Never ventured beyond those.
They seem to be getting better to me I was listening to "Ancient Lies And Battle Cries" just the other day and it struck that there's not a lot of BM left in their sound compared to their early stuff, but i enjoy a lot. They're a great band.