Black Metal.

A lot of people seem to cite this riff as amazing. It's my least favourite part of the song actually. I much prefer everything that comes before it and when they return back to that melody after the riff you're talking about.

Agreed. Everything that comes before and after that riff is divine, but that riff is a little off-putting and telegraphed.

I think the vocals are one of the weaker parts of modern DSO. He tries to sound passionate and emotional but fails for the most part imo. I don't think they're bad and they are quite unique, I just think they could be better suited to the music at times.

Disagree here. Miko is arguably the best vocalist in the genre and his performance on Paracletus is quite dynamic and does a great job of coloring the compositions.
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Disagree here. Miko is arguably the best vocalist in the genre and his performance on Paracletus is quite dynamic and does a great job of coloring the compositions.

Yeah, I'm not expecting many people to agree. I just don't think he delivers on an emotional level what parts of Carnal Malefactor (and other songs) demand. I don't feel the passion unlike say Varg on Hvis Lyset Tar Oss.
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I don't really mind the vocals while listening to DsO. Btw, is Inquisitors of Satan worth listening?

Surely the actual 'phase 1' is the style found on Infernal Battles (which is hella generic and not especially interesting) and Inquisitors of Satan (still generic but loaded with riffs)?

If you have any interest in bands like Horna and Sargeist you should listen to it.

New Hail Spirit Noir is cool. Didn't grab me as hard as Oi Magoi but I've been doing other shit at the same time and missed a few bits.

Bit of a lull, albeit an enjoyable one, in the middle of the new Urfaust but tracks II,V and VI are great.
Yeah, I'm not expecting many people to agree. I just don't think he delivers on an emotional level what parts of Carnal Malefactor (and other songs) demand. I don't feel the passion unlike say Varg on Hvis Lyset Tar Oss.

Well Varg's performance on the first three Burzum albums is arguably the epoch of black metal vocals, so that's a tough comp.

I'd also point out that DSO's probably shouldn't be as passionate as Burzum's just based on what they are trying to achieve. Burzum is very primal and visceral music, while DSO is much more grandiose, abstract, and metaphysical in nature. The pure unbridled emotion of Varg's vocals would fit poorly into a project like DSO.
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Wow, it's been a while. I'm sure no one hee is gonna remember me haha.

Been stuck on the Deathspell Omega. It's album of the year for me. Just incredible.

Also stuck on Leviathan's Verrater album. I know it's a compliation but it's great!

Saturday I am gathering with some accomplices to listen to BM. Each time it's a new theme and we may only listen to bands with specific prerequisites which fit this theme. On Saturday it's bands with current or former members who have died (for various reasons) or killed another person. Live and session musicians count. Please give me some inspiration on what to play apart for alle the obvious (Norwegian) bands.
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Saturday I am gathering with some accomplices to listen to BM. Each time it's a new theme and we may only listen to bands with specific prerequisites which fit this theme. On Saturday it's bands with current or former members who have died (for various reasons) or killed another person. Live and session musicians count. Please give me some inspiration on what to play apart for alle the obvious (Norwegian) bands.

Yes, Norwegian, but you gotta go with Windir's 1184
Saturday I am gathering with some accomplices to listen to BM. Each time it's a new theme and we may only listen to bands with specific prerequisites which fit this theme. On Saturday it's bands with current or former members who have died (for various reasons) or killed another person. Live and session musicians count. Please give me some inspiration on what to play apart for alle the obvious (Norwegian) bands.

Mystic Forest (Stefan Kozak, R.I.P. 2015, suicide by train) - see also Eikenskaden
Endless Dismal Moan (Takuya Tsutsui a.k.a. Chaos 9, R.I.P. 2008, suicide by gunshot)

In both cases they were the core member of their respective band.
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Endless Dismal Moan is fucked. The first two self titled demos (or the full length comp depending on how you look at it) are completely unique and twisted black metal unlike anything I've ever heard. (And if you've heard something similar please do share)
Anyone else like Black Metal, im into the more popular bands such as 1349, Darkthrone, Dark Funearl, Gorgoroth and Dimmu Borgir.
I'll never forget the night I saw 1349 live in manchester, one of the best gigs ever, and when Enslaved were on the lead singer looks straight at me and gives the horns which was wicked.
Theres just something about Black Metal that makes it unique from any other genre, and I'd probobally be lost without it.

Love it. The most inconsistent genre in Extreme Metal but also one of the most compelling and definitely the most disturbing.