Black Metal.

Is their any notable touchstones for these guys or are they kind of a singularity? Not that it matters a whooole bunch. I'm just wondering for context mebbe

From my review of With Hearts Toward None:

While the guitar work stays fairly snugly within the conventions of black metal, it’s hard to pinpoint Mgla’s primary influences. For the most part, Mgla create a unique sound without trying to redefine or transcend the genre. The highly melodic and layered compositions do recall Arckanum, though this might be more coincidence than direct influence.

This track is fairly characteristic of their sound:

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Im sure this has been throughly discussed in the years of my absence, but is MGLA worth my time? As a little backdrop, I'm mainly into the classics (first wave - early second wave) and primitive sounding things (war metal etc.). I will take the time out to listen to some maximalist shtuff (Deathspell Omega)

I like stuff similar to what you've mentioned, although I'm not as big on war metal. I'm a fan of Mgla's With Hearts Towards None. It doesn't really do anything new, but it just has really solid songwriting and memorable melodies. The vocals are also great, filled with venom and hatred.

You should also check out Panphage like Old Wainds suggested.

Nice avatar! Deathcult is probably my favourite metal album.
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I'm currently looking for some new BM too. I'll check out the stuff Old Wainds mentioned, but I was really disappointed with the new Deathspell Omega album. Way too chaotic and disjointed, none of it melded together in a good way. I found a few BM bands I liked but not all of it came out this year.

Uada - Devoid the Light

Naora - Allir vegir til glötunar

Arkona - Lunaris (Polish Arkona)

Celestial Grave - Burial Ground Trance (EP but its amazing)

Cultes des Ghoules - Coven (this rules I havent had the time to play it a billion times yet but it's really good)

Pest- Rest in Morbid Darkness *this is an oldie from 2008 but I've been constantly playing it
I also thought the same way about new Deathspell. Nothing really caught my attention there, have to give it another spin tho but certainly not my top 10 of this year.
I just ordered Genevieve by Velvet Cacoon. I really didn't like it in the past, but I know a lot of people jerk off to it and since I saw it available for cheap I was like what the fuck. We'll see how this goes.
not sure why people kept dieselharping on about it

Same. I don't think it's as terrible as some people make it out to be and I'm pretty sure there are people who were genuine fans before all the lies and bullshit from the band came to light. And now they claim they hate it.
I also don't think it's particularly good either. A somewhat unique atmosphere and some decent parts scattered throughout some of the tracks, but ultimately it's rather unfulfilling and at times actively irritating.
Regarding the new DSO, I find it to be strong, but unspectacular. It's engaging, but doesn't really provide much new. Perhaps more listens will reveal something special, but thus far I haven't found it.
I don't think I've ever listened to Velvet Cacooon.

Been on a Countess binge lately. The Book of the Heretic is still my favorite album by the band and, contrary to popular opinion, I love the obtrusive bass.
i only ever heard holocaust of the god believers, spawn of steel, and heilig vuur. i liked what i heard, just never ventured further or backward with the band