Black Metal.

facta loquuntur is their best, totally classic.

Classic, but not their best, I'd have to hand that one to Totenlieder. I think they recycled their earlier songs so much that they lost some of their value, but still, those are great songs.

Dreaming of Your Love and Deep Dark Forest really make Facta Loquuntur. I love those songs, but the story behind Dreaming of Your Love is a bit weird. It's about Sandro Beyer's Sunday school teacher, whom Dark Mark Doom apparently fucked. That was the whole reason for the murder. Their bakcstory, while incredibly odd, is quite interesting.
Wow he has totally classy taste when it comes to Maiden and Bathory, nailed both #1 albums. :)

Loved that he mentioned Warhammer RPG too. <3
I listen to the most viking albums alot more than the bm ones except for BFD atleast. Not sure how I would rank them but a top 5 would be something like this:

1. Hammerheart
2. Blood Fire Death
3. Twilight of the Gods
4. Blood on Ice
5. Under the Sign of the Black Mark

I think both Nordland albums could be #5 instead too actually, not sure here.
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