Black Metal.

that's a really stupid opinion

so happy that I can't listen to music because bands/labels aren't interested in reissuing them and guys who sit in candlelit rooms with skulls as their tea mugs can read liner notes and resell for 100$ years later

MP3's are the greatest thing to happen to non-mainstream music and it's time for people to embrace them.

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So which are you talking about, new bands releasing stuff currently or old out of print shit? Because there's a fuckton more of one than the other on band camp. I'm pretty sure Realm doesn't have a band camp set up so I can buy Endless War mp3s.

Do I believe I'm stealing from a band that's been broken up for 20 years? They should be happy I remember them.

No, I dont purchase music from new bands that don't use physical formats.
new small time bands sell out too? or can't get distro because they are poor/don't want to relinquish sales/ownership of the music?

Do I believe I'm stealing from a band that's been broken up for 20 years? They should be happy I remember them.

So if Realm came back up tomorrow and hosted their discog on bandcamp you'd rather download a torrent than support them. just admit this has no logic at all
1) Download & listen.
2) Delete if bad.
3) Buy vinyl if awesome.
4) Keep illegally downloaded if good-ish.

No way I could afford to buy everything, but I try to support the really great bands.
1) Download & listen.
2) Delete if bad.
3) Buy vinyl if awesome.
4) Keep illegally downloaded if good-ish.

No way I could afford to buy everything, but I try to support the really great bands.

Tbh I very rarely download anything. I'll listen to an album on YouTube or bandcamp and if I like it I check around MA and discogs to see what the band has released. I keep a crazy list of shit I want to buy and chip away at it while adding new shit to it constantly so it literally never ends.

And to the whole @rms thing, let's be honest, if Realm comes back, just like when all these bands come back, it would be to promote physical re-releases of their music, not to peddle mp3s. You're the one who mentioned shit that was UNAVAILABLE. Of course if an old band gets back together and re-releases shit it's available again so there's no point to even be made.
new bands sell out toooooooo or have limited pressings or omg only cassettes

kind of done with this though

why isn't anyone else putting their fav BM releases
I've never heard this Mare Cognitum band. Anything you could compare them to?

if Vektor wasn't thrash metal, maybe. Space-y BM. Interludes of atmospheric to slightly less heavy Far Away From The Sun moments. Their whole discog for 21$ is amazingly cheap (like 4 or 5 albums and a split with Spectral Lore, IMO #2 band in the last decade) -- highly recommend you check them out.
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Possession kicks ass!

I pretty much refuse to buy MP3s, but on the other hand I will purchase lossless versions of stuff. Physical copies are nice, but sometimes I want to just save a few bucks and just purchase the music (or ill get the cassette). Most of the time when I buy a CD ill just rip it to the PC (I dont like the scratch CDs in my collection by playing them too much), read the liner notes once or twice while enjoying the artwork, and then shelve it. As for not buying re-releases from inactive bands, underground distros/labels also need some love.
Not sure if this counts as the band is more than a decade old, but this album was released last year:

Soricer des Glaces - North

"Passage au-delà des glaciers noirs", "To the Snow-Crowned Mountains", "Dawn of the Apocalypse" and "North" are all really great tracks.

His Best Deceit demo is my favourite. Great filthy old-school style stuff. Their debut album is supposed to come out this year.

I'm not completely sold on the production just yet, but this is pretty good stuff!
I disagree. While I'm not completely sold on the Obtained Enslavement cover (it's a decent cover but doesn't really fit) and the final track, 2 of my favourite songs on the album are in the second half.