Black Metal.

After kind of losing me with their last record, I'm loving the latest Arizmenda. It might be their best since Within the Vacuum of Infinity. Strong balance of psychotic depressive sounds and psychedelia. Absolutely love the doomy elements on this track:

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black acid metal?
I didn't know about new Arizmenda!

Gonnu check it out tbh. I love the first album. It's so aggressive and cyco.
I listened to the new Arizmenda yesterday. Was very fine. The first one will probably still be my favorite. They're my fav Crepuscular my pals band probably.

Any of you guys listen to Azelisassath? They have three albums out already.
Can anyone recommend any black metal that has a medieval, mystical and nocturnal atmosphere like early Abigor? Doesn't have to be musically similar, I'm just looking for black metal with that sort of atmosphere.
Can anyone recommend any black metal that has a medieval, mystical and nocturnal atmosphere like early Abigor? Doesn't have to be musically similar, I'm just looking for black metal with that sort of atmosphere.

The only thing I can think of that you may be unaware of is Kyprian's Circle - Noitatulen Vartija

and maybe Mjölnir

CIG - I liked the Amestigon track, will investigate further! Not sure how I feel about the Darvulia song, the production was rather off-putting but I can't make a proper judgement off one listen.

Slayed Necros - I am somewhat familiar with Kyprian's Circle, but I haven't listened to them much. That track was good so I'll need to revisit them. Never heard of Mjolnir but that sounded promising as well.

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The rerecording of Snowland is probably easier to find, but I've never heard it to know what they've changed about it.

I love Snowland, Moonrise in Total Darkness and North. I need to check out those mid-period album. Let me know how they are.

Also, where did you find Moonrise in Total Darkness? It's really expensive on Discogs.
The rerecording of Snowland is probably easier to find, but I've never heard it to know what they've changed about it.

I love Snowland, Moonrise in Total Darkness and North. I need to check out those mid-period album. Let me know how they are.

Also, where did you find Moonrise in Total Darkness? It's really expensive on Discogs.

Canadian dollar is trash so buying from there is pretty reasonable.