Black Metal.

In the last decade, what's your best 'new' black metal band?

Panopticon and Deafheaven are my top two. Panopticon is on a role of releasing really good to great albums while the last two Deafheaven records have been phenomenal.

Others worth mentioning:

Wolves in the Throne Room- their discography is a little more up and down but Celestial Lineage and Two Hunters are masterful.

Aosoth- has been on the ascent for a while now and IV was exquisite

Thoth- only two records, but I love them both

Arizmenda- really great earily stuff, but recent records have been a bit of a letdown. Phenomenal live.

Volahn- AqAbAl is one of the most interesting black metal albums in recent history.

Turdus Merula- One of the best at keeping the mystical dimensions of the second wave alive

Wędrujący Wiatr- beautiful, depressive, in the vein of Drudkh
I'm a little late to the game... but holy shit, In the Woods... is back!

Listening to the new album now, pretty fucking good so far. Although I admit, I was always a sucker for In the Woods..., love their sound.
eh I think there's too much filler on it to be honest...

Damn has anyone head the new Fen? These are stellar compositions. I don't understand how some bands can even think of coming up with some of the shit they do. Killer stuff right here.
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eh I think there's too much filler on it to be honest...

Damn has anyone head the new Fen? These are stellar compositions. I don't understand how some bands can even think of coming up with some of the shit they do. Killer stuff right here.
I only listened to it once and it sounded like standard Fen fare (get it), which isn't a bad thing. I'll def give it more listens to see if it is indeed an above average release by them.