Black Metal.

Been listening to loads of Uškumgallu the past few days. Overplayed them a bit when Rotten Limbs in Dreams came out but it's all good again.

Came across these guys earlier

Some of it's a bit weak (there's a too much of that saccharine tremolo picked wannabe Alcest riffing that dominates so many 'atmospheric' BM bands these days) but some of it's really cool. Riff and vocals at about 11mins (I think from the third track) is great.
Finally hopped on the Sorcier des Glaces bandwagon. I'm currently listening to Moonrise In Total Darkness, which is fantastic... and I also have North, Ritual of the End, and The Puressence of Primitive Forests on the way because I'm a spazz. Looks like the debut is going to be hard to find. Hate uber limited shit.

found them too inconsistent...let me know how ya feel after some time
This is my yearly post in this thread. Anyone heard this? Yeah I know it's Phil Anselmo (boo hiss) but this is solid black metal imo.

Man the USD being strong has me getting black metal packages from around the world again.

6 CDs from World Terror Committee in Germany ~$70 shipped.
7 CDs from Sepulchral Productions in Canada, $67 shipped.

Just make sure if you're fucking with a Euro distro it's a good one that doesn't charge you VAT in the states.
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Does anyone have any Blazebirth Hall recommendations? I know of Forest and Branikald but would like to get an idea of certain albums because they're expensive and mostly come from Russia.
Does anyone have any Blazebirth Hall recommendations? I know of Forest and Branikald but would like to get an idea of certain albums because they're expensive and mostly come from Russia.

i have a far from comprehensive knowledge of this scene, but for branikald you want RDJANDALIR, STORMHEIT and (reputedly) WINTERKALT. all the forest i've heard was pretty cool, i'd say the s/t or LIKE A BLAZE AMONG THE ASHES would be good places to start. raven dark's BERUSTET AV KRIEGSDRONNET is something of a classic with kvlt types, i can't rly remember it though. nitberg's NAGELREID and rundagor's STRONGHOLD OF RUINS are popular too, haven't heard those.
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Should have the new Ruins of Beverast album tomorrow. Easily the most consistently high quality bm band these days.

You were thinking of Horna...

In my opinion, the Finnish and Eastern European scenes carry the torch of black metal through recent years.