Black Metal.

Summoning is uniquely good at that style. There's a couple other decent bands, but generally I'd rather lean more atmoblack or dungeonsynth rather than straddle the line as they do, but they do it well. Tough to top Minas Morgul IMO.
Summoning is pretty revered within the metal underground though. I've seen opinions that they're the only good black metal band still going after black metal supposedly died after 1996 or so. Funny, considering a lot of the time they're barely even metal, let alone black metal. I don't really bother with them post Stronghold, but I do love Dol Guldur and Nightshade Forests.
Summoning are the bestest. Black metal? Who cares. I'd also like to give a strong nod to Caladan Brood. Wish those fuckers would hurry the fuck up with their sophomore effort.
Summoning are like the Dead Can Dance of black metal. They're pretty much perfect in every way, and throughout their discography in my opinion. Stronghold is my favorite album by them.
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Favourite Summoning song:

Nightshade Forests, Elfstone, and The Passing of the Grey Company are close runner-ups.

There's a weird electronic beeping that first appears around 0:31 of that song and appears periodically after that. I'm not sure if it's intentional or a problem associated with ripping the album, but I can't fucking stand that - WTF?!
Summoning are like the Dead Can Dance of black metal. They're pretty much perfect in every way, and throughout their discography in my opinion. Stronghold is my favorite album by them.

:tickled: What a fucking stupid comment. Dead Can Dance have eclectic and multidimensional sound. Each album introduced sounds, arrangements, and instruments from different cultures, and no two albums are the same. Summoning, on the other hand, repeat the same formula song after song, album after album. I take it you love both bands. The similarities end there.
Anyone into Caladan Brood? Great Summoning clone with Malazan inspired lyrics. Nothing amazing but definitely worth checking out if you like Summoning.