Black Metal.

Finally found a copy of the new Nokturnal Mortum in the states. Paid the guy while they were still in route to him from customs in NY, but fuck it, didn't want to fight over copies if I didn't have to.
Kind of random, but I recalled an epic show by Wolves in the Throne Room at MDF a few years ago, and got a craving to hear them again. Listened to Black Cascade and Diadem tonight. Not something I can do often, but perfect for whatever the hell mood I'm in tonight.

So, I decided to listen to this since I thought I'd be giving her next album a whirl just to see if there were any improvements over her debut. Unfortunately, I don't find that being the case here.
Will have to check that when I get home. Figured they were gone after that last album. Then again, black metal sells better than whatever that last album was. Same lesson Alcest learned.

I just bought Diadem a couple of days ago actually. Have owned all the other full lengths for a while.
They're quality atmospheric black metal who get shit on for no good reason. I haven't checked their ambient material but really have no interest.

Me either.
buuuuuuut new song is quality. I really like this stuff moreso in the fall and winter but I'm definitely preordering. Great music to sit outside in the fall/winter and just think about your fucking life, man.
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I've only heard the first Wolves in the Throne Room and thought it was pretty meh. Has their sound changed much since then?

Apparently I'm also not sure what atmospheric black metal is anymore since arg described the Sorcier des Glaces song in the mixtape game as "atmoblack".
atmo-black is just a catch-all term for any BM with long hypnotic burzum influenced tunes as far as i can tell. a "nature" aesthetic helps, i'd say drudkh are the quintessential atmo-black band.
I've only heard the first Wolves in the Throne Room and thought it was pretty meh. Has their sound changed much since then?

If anything they moved further from black metal culminating in a completely non-black metal album, Celestite. It was obviously a complete failure, like almost all black metal bands that try "an all ambient album."... and they came crawling back to black metal.
main thing that annoys me about WitTR is how they've convinced all the hipster mags that they're the first to do/say half the shit they do or say, but they cribbed literally all of it from predecessors. and ofc the music's pretty boring anyway