Black Metal.

Panphage is really good, but it seems like such an in-crowd thing to like them. I mean, it's competent but holy shit the praise bestowed... it's too much.

That Batushka album is legit. Only one I've heard by them.
I listened to Jord early last year and while I remember liking it, it really didn't have a lasting impression on me. Babushka is basically the same. I'll give them both another shot.

FWIW: back in 2017 some of my favorite albums were that Havrukruuukunuuhuhujujujujh or whatever it was called and that White Death album. I dig shit like that, the new Sargeist was great. Really dug the newest Drudkh as well.
Panphage is really good, but it seems like such an in-crowd thing to like them. I mean, it's competent but holy shit the praise bestowed... it's too much.

That Batushka album is legit. Only one I've heard by them.

I’m pretty sure my in crowd tastes only go as far as black metal but I really like Panphage.

I listened to that Babushka album a couple times and it was alright but nothing I want to revisit.

For me the best recent black metal band is probably Malokarpatan. First wave traditional heavy metal influenced stuff, bizarre legends in a basically unknown language.
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A theater near me is showing Lords of Chaos as a midnight movie next weekend. Worth it?
It depends of your expectations, but I would say NO. If you are expecting something more or less coherent with the real facts, when you'll only get infuriated. If you expect some decent to accurate portrayal of the people involved in such events. you'll leave very dissapointed.

If you are looking for a cliché angsty teen "drama" with a "black metal" ambientation, then go with caution.

Until the Light Takes Us + its deleted scenes it's all what people need regarding the interactions of Darkthrone, Mayhem and Burzum.
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