Black Metal.

North is pretty well known around here. It’s Moonrise in Total Darkness that remains woefully underrated it seems.

I thought you’d disappeared - nice to see you posting again.
I actually have an original CD-R of their debut 'Snowland' - as you can imagine, being self-released it is a very amateur CD-R, the cover is probably photocopied and it has no sides. According to discogs it's worth a fortune these days. Definitely an interesting band, with a back catalogue that I should explore some more. I remember there were a few fans of the band back on the old A.N.U.S Metal Hall forums years ago.
Haven’t heard it yet but I’ve been losing interest since With Hearts Towards None, which I thought was good but they seem to have established a formula now.

Presence EP is my favourite material by them. Especially the first track.
Imha Tarikat

Really like this.The vocals are a deep shout for some of the album which automatically makes people think its hardcore influenced but I dont get why theyre a problem really. A lot of black metal vocals just suck.

Just checked back many pages and found this. Thank you. I dig this, I would like to find more in this vein.
I started with black metal back in 1995. Originally I came to it via doom and death metal, the likes of Paradise Lost, Enchantment, Deicide, Morbid Angel, I think the first black metal I heard was Cradle of Filth's 'Principle of Evil Made Flesh'. Some would argue it's not "true" black metal, but when I was 13 it was amazing - and it still is. I love that album, some 25 years later. That was right around the time of the second wave of BM, when the church burnings were happening, which we found out about from Kerrang!, so we began to get into the Norwegian (and Swedish) stuff like Mayhem, Darkthrone, Burzum, Immortal, Gorgoroth, Enslaved, Bathory, Dimmu Borgir, Opeth, Satyricon, Emperor, Marduk, Dark Funeral, Lord Belial, Gehenna, etc.

My first BM gig was Cradle of Filth, with Gorgoroth and Primordial, in London in Dec 1995 - that was the gig Pest chopped up/tossed out a pigs head in the crowd during their set, and we met CoF after the gig and got our tickets signed. Saw them a bunch of times after that, along with a bunch of other bands listed above. I only ever saw Emperor once, in 1997, and Mayhem once (also in 97). I would love to see Emperor again - 'Nightside' is one of my favourite albums ever.

I stepped away from the BM scene for a long time - we were really into it as young teens, as many scene kids are/were, but grew out of it and went on to explore/rediscover other music. Started getting back into it a few years back, although I kept regular listens to a bunch of select albums (CoF's first three releases, Emperor's first two, Dimmu Borgir's 'Enthrone Darkness Triumphant' and the first two Hecate Enthroned releases especially). I've long been a fan of doom metal, and began to looking into the DSBM stuff like None, having been into Burzum back in the day (although we didn't know back then that Burzum was pretty much the originator of DSBM)

I'm not so much into the "classic" (or traditional, perhaps) BM like Darkthrone, Mayhem, etc, these days, but more so the gothic, atmospheric, symphonic stuff. It's weird, I like both the grandeur as well as the minimalistic stuff. I've recently started getting into Funeral Death Metal, and I love the slower, bleaker pace, huge audio landscapes. Hence the DSBM I suppose.