Black Metal.

I thought was Prometheus was good, but didn't like The Adversary by Ihsahn that much, it was ok, just too many clean vocals and rock influences as well with a couple songs I liked. It seemed decent but I want to trade or sell it, I regret buying it.

Is this Spiculum Iratus' first demo so far?

Had a listen to it, and must say that while nothing about it particularly leaps at me (some of the vocal work is humourous), there are some elements in it which show some possibilities for more impressive work in the future.

Could be a band to keep an eye on.

Shame about that, I find them to be exactly what I seek in terms of black metal. They evoke utter disgust and darkness through contemporary riffage, but without any heavy tribute-paying. The guitarist has another band, Bestial Incarnation, who are rawer and more brutal.

Just in case it was the song at fault, here's another for you:
YouSendIt: The Leader in File Delivery.

Also, Bestial Incarnation myspace with a couple of unmixed recordings.
Transilvanian Hunger is the most overrated Black Metal album of the Second Wave. Not that it's bad (in fact, it's excellent), but it's also not one of the greatest albums of all time. A lot of the final product of that album was done intentionally to piss off their record label, and had nothing to do with artistic merit. Under A Funeral Moon is their Black Metal hallmark album.

Oh really?
You just have to look harder, and find more of the obscure bands - those are the bands releasing the better albums. And I think there's a lot of potential classic albums that have recently been released, but I don't really consider anything that's only been around for a short period of time to be a classic. Also it seems like a lot of people say it was a bad year for metal - but not at all, there were quite a few killer black metal albums released as well.

I just received my copy of Dark Tribe's "Geboren an den Ufern des Wahnsinns".
Now i think there might be some hope for the genre. It is pure horror and insanity and opposite to other modern bands it is not "a good imitation of older bands" or "a little bit original" but truly original and something like a development of what the classics bands did.
This is what i search,

Everyone here needs to listen to this release, absolutely fantastic.
you listen teh Okkervil River?

you love?


sage francis rocking my socks now... i found "dead poet live" cos i gotta judge an MC by what they've got on stage... pretty awesome...

Yeah, I really did like it. The vocalist has such a passionate voice, at times reminds me of a less melodramatic Robert Smith. It was all together very nice, some cool synth parts.
lol i swear i was listening to Disintegration this morning and i suddenly was struck with "okkervil totally listen to the Cure!"

give it some more honest spins and i promise it will become one of your favorite albums in a week. it took me a couple months but now it's one of those "every song is my favorite" things. read the lyrics.
Everyone here needs to listen to this release, absolutely fantastic.

I went to check that out in Metal-Archives, but my computer did the thing where it shows I already searched for that before.. but I don't remember ever hearing Forest Silence before.

EDIT: I have the mp3's on my computer too.:confused: It just might be good.