Black Metal.

Mort - Forest Silence is great...haven't checked out that cd in particular but I will

anyway...this album is a winner:

Necromantia - Scarlet Evil Witching Black
From the above I've only heard Belenos. They are pretty good. I should get around to listening to the other three, but I keep getting distracted
Does everyone hold Ulver in high esteem? Nattens Madrigal is beautiful, and I find the production especially fitting for such a genre.
I enjoy Bregtatt the most from them. Nattens is a good album but it's quite painful to listen to a lot. Therefore can't say it's a favorite
Does anyone know where I can purchase this album?

Kyprian's Circle - Noitatulen Vartija

My search has turned up nothing, I even tried contacting a couple of distros, all were sold out.

Any help would be appreciated.
From the above I've only heard Belenos. They are pretty good. I should get around to listening to the other three, but I keep getting distracted

Yeah, I think you'll enjoy Mystic Forest - Romances alot, simply fantastic neo-classical black metal.