Black Metal.

Maybe someone should make death metal with black metal production. To a lot of people death metal is all killing and gore and it turns them off but themes in death metal are found in black metal as well. Could it be the production in traditional black metal that has you liking the atmosphere?

Luckily, someone has done this, and ironically, it includes members of Hate Forest/Drudkh and also Nokturnal Mortum: Thunderkraft.
Response to the above post. I don't really know. I love Doom metal for its atmosphere, and black metal to me captures that same atmosphere plus more. I don't really know why that is, or why I tend to like black metal a whole lot more than other metal genres. I just tend to prefer bands like Ulver, Agalloch, Woods of Ypres, Bathory, Enslaved etc.. over most Death metal bands. Fact is, it's very hard for me to get into most Death metal bands. I don't like the over technical stuff, and do not like the same muted power chords that are played through out the song(which many death metal bands do). Not to say I don't like any death metal, because some bands I love, but for the most part, black metal does much more for me.
One album that is not black metal that seems to capture the atmosphere for me is Morningrise. That and Orchid are the only albums I really enjoy by Opeth, but Morningrise has great atmosphere(imo). I'm not gonna say Opeth are Progressive, or Death metal, or anything because I do not want to create an arguement. Btw Hubster, thanks for the recommendation, I will check them out.
Thought the picture of Thunderkraft on MA was kinda funny, because the guy on the bottom right looks similar to a white Jay-Z.
and btw, hubster, cheers for the Mgla rec! I checked out Presence, and it's really good stuff!

^ Awesome! Glad to hear :kickass:

Their current releases are as follows:

- Crushing The Holy Trinity (Northern Heritage Records 3xCD compilation, they contributed 4 songs)
- Presence (mCD EP), 3 tracks
- Mdłości 7" EP, 2 tracks

Mdłości will be released this year as an mCD, and a debut full length is also expected.

One album that is not black metal that seems to capture the atmosphere for me is Morningrise. That and Orchid are the only albums I really enjoy by Opeth, but Morningrise has great atmosphere(imo)... Btw Hubster, thanks for the recommendation, I will check them out.

Those first two albums are definitely special, but also clearly Gothenburg. I definitely like Mikael's higher pitch on those albums though, it's quite strong.

As for the recommendation, you mean Thunderkraft? Be aware it is not of a technical nature like death metal is. It is much more simplified, but with extremely clear and cold production, combined with very "eastern European" sounding keys and occasional flutes.

For the devoted Death Metal enthusiast, it may seem primtive, but from my perspective I find it an interesting and successful experiment. Definitely on my buying list, I found it quite unique.
How do people feel about Kampfar?


A friend recommended them to me about 6 months to a year ago. I couldn't approach them seriously:

- their name "Kampfar" makes me think they tried too hard to sound "-far" and couldn't think of something better to use instead of "Kamp". It's like they bought a book called "Idiots Guide to No-Brand Black Metal band names".

- dreary material: the vocal delivery for a start is lifeless with no enthusiasm in it. I felt like I was falling asleep

- the songs are a paradox: they seem to be written to be cold, and yet are executed with too much warmth. The tremelo pickings don't seem to work with the pace, and the lack of change in the songs make Burzum's Tomhet seem like Opeth's "The Moor". When I listened to their latest album I felt like I was watching static on television.

In summary, I felt their material overall was extremely bland and lacking any originality. It was difficult to tell one song from another and the entire album stays on such a stagnant level that it was akin to forcing myself to be awake after a 10 hour nightshift.

Their singer looks like a Black Metal version of Sebastian Bach!
Kampfar's first album, Mellom Skogkledde Aaser, is fucking fantastic. It's melodic yet still making great black metal with a viking feel. When I listened to Kvass, I got the same feeling, but it was just poorly executed. The tracks are not bad, it's just that it's not Mellom Skogkledde Aaser
Yeah, Kampfar's debut is excellent. Even better is Mock, which is basically pre-Kampfar. I advise every fan of Norwegian black metal to track down their EP, Vinterlandet. Truly brilliant material.

This thread needs more Graveland. I still believe Thousand Swords to be one of the greatest - if not the greatest - achievements within black metal.
Hey Hubster check out our myspace, we've got fresh new songs up.
Cool, I'd check them out but I have dial up.:mad: Did you ever check out any of my newer vocals? They're better than my old ones and are actually low growls. And if you have what'd you think of them? Good, bad, decent, what?
Fullmoon's "United Aryan Evil" is still better than anything Graveland has done. ;)

Finally starting to enjoy Graveland some more these days though. :)