Black Metal.

Racism is just a real joke really... jeez perhaps I should hate *everyone* because I copped so much racism when I was younger, there's my justification, you all suck! :D
that was a good post, Hubster. I live in Los Angeles, and it's kind of tough to be racist when you're surrounded by fifty billion different races...or it may be easier. Not sure. For me, music always comes first. If a band is singing about "flogging the cargo" or anything else, that's secondary and their (unfortunate) opinion. I'm all for cultural pride (as you said) as long as it's being done tastefully (i.e. Negura Bunget, Drudkh, Darkestrah, etc...). I have no intentions of becoming a skinhead because all they're doing is closing their minds and conforming to an idiotic dogma.
Racism is just a real joke really... jeez perhaps I should hate *everyone* because I copped so much racism when I was younger, there's my justification, you all suck! :D
I agree, hating someone just because they're a different race or religion doesn't make sense. But I've gotten along with a couple people with the National Socialist ideology, I talk to them regularly on MSN, cool people, they post on another forum I post at, they're all about continuing the white race but aren't exactly racist.
The idea behind it, removal of a foreign religion from their homelands is a commendable idea and worthy of praise and support HOWEVER the actual act was poorly thought out and had the opposite effect of what it was supposed to achieve. If they found a way to make a much larger strike that was not a "violent" one I feel it could be far more successful.
The arsons were too extreme as they did a crime to get their point across and something else they did that wasn't as extreme that would've got their point across would've been better.
it's a shame the churches were ruined because some of them were beautiful...I'm sure there were some nonviolent means they could have used that would've probably been more effective
Just because something is criminal doesn't make it wrong, that is one thing about today's world that annoys me. Everyone bases their morality upon the law when in reality that isn't how it goes. Morality is a personal thing that individuals decide, not the law or any government institution.

Just because the church burnings was criminal doesn't make it wrong, just poorly thought out and stupid.
Just because something is criminal doesn't make it wrong, that is one thing about today's world that annoys me. Everyone bases their morality upon the law when in reality that isn't how it goes. Morality is a personal thing that individuals decide, not the law or any government institution.

Just because the church burnings was criminal doesn't make it wrong, just poorly thought out and stupid.
Maybe I should've been more clear in my words, we alll know it's wrong to destroy other's property so the arsons were completely wrong according to general morality as well as the law. And I think some laws are stupid as well, such as not being able to buy alcohol in my area on Sundays and marijuana laws as well among other laws.
Maybe I should've been more clear in my words, we alll know it's wrong to destroy other's property so the arsons were completely wrong according to general morality as well as the law. And I think some laws are stupid as well, such as not being able to buy alcohol in my area on Sundays and marijuana laws as well among other laws.

I can completely disagree here, because there is no such thing as general morality. Morality is completely subjective and not even remotely absolute.
I can completely disagree here, because there is no such thing as general morality. Morality is completely subjective and not even remotely absolute.
To me some things are subjective and some things aren't. Things such as stealing, killing, destroying others' things, and things we all know are wrong to do, that's what general morality means to me. Things such as religion and other authorities tell us that there is an ultimate morality that goes into things such as how you live yopur personal lif which I disagree with and to me is not a part of general morality But as humans we know certain things are good, certaib bad in situations that affect people, and not ourselves in our personal lives.
I agree that those things are wrong, but there I don't think that they are universally wrong because there is nothing to make them wrong. It is all a product of socialization that makes us think these things are wrong, yet if someone grew up in a world where all that was needed for their very survival I don't think they would find it to be even the slightest bit wrong.
some cultures dont even have the concept of property so the idea that stealing is objectively and universally wrong doesnt really hold water sorry! O_O
Nothing is objectively anything, and that's why there ARE laws. Not that I'm saying the laws are always justified. But the idea of laws are to ensure the highest mean level of prudence for all people, and a part of that is a protection of one's property, because there's much less incentive in working and achieving to buy beautiful things or to create great works of art when there is no protection against them being stolen or destroyed.