Black Metal.

"A few others?" There only were a few others.

I like alot of the Norwegian scene, but I just don't hold alot of the bands is as high esteem as so many others do. Not out of an attempt to be different, just because I prefer other bands more.

Yes, there are very few bands I find that could stand up to Romances, Spicilege, SMRC, Le Dernier Pardon, Le Secret, or 665.999.

Aside from the already mentioned Burzum, I find that Taake, In The Woods..., mid-period Enslaved, Arcturus, and Ulver hold near the same quality level that I've found in the French scene, particularly in the above albums.
My response time is a bit long but meh.

Your article makes sense. For me I can agree with it and disagree with it. I agree with it in the sense that people are entitled to their anti-racial beliefs as much as we are entitled to our anti-religious beliefs. Why? Because anti-religious is no worse then anti-racial. It's still hating somebody for something that's in them.
Now this is not to say that I'm a racist. I have my momments against jews, but more in the sense of against their religion more then the race itself. Other then that though I don't take much racial predjudice. I would be a hypocrit if I did as I have friends who are of native, black, etc blood.
As towards the jews in WW2, what is to say the acts were wrong. Now I don't necessarily agree with them, but isn't right and wrong subjective terms towards the individual thought? The only reason we see something wrong with it is because there was such a large thing about it and we're all inbred to disagree with it. I take an indiffrent stance on it. I thought the acts were drastic and inhumane, but who cares. Inhumane and drastic acts are riddled through humanity, and were are bred to be able to do them.
I kinnda lost my train of thought a while back so I might rephrase this later.
I used to hold the modern French scene (among others) in very high regard, but lately I've gone off a lot of modern black metal altogether, realising that it doesn't hold a fucking candle to the earlier bands (particularly the Norwegian scene). I'll always prefer stuff like Darkthrone, Gorgoroth, Burzum, Ildjarn, Immortal, Mysticum, Mock, Enslaved, Helheim, Isvind, Manes, Graveland, Throne of Ahaz, Abigor, Root, Mütiilation, Rotting Christ, Varathron, etc (all at their respective peaks). It's just... better.
I used to hold the modern French scene (among others) in very high regard, but lately I've gone off a lot of modern black metal altogether, realising that it doesn't hold a fucking candle to the earlier bands (particularly the Norwegian scene). I'll always prefer stuff like Darkthrone, Gorgoroth, Burzum, Ildjarn, Immortal, Mysticum, Mock, Enslaved, Helheim, Isvind, Manes, Graveland, Throne of Ahaz, Abigor, Root, Mütiilation, Rotting Christ, Varathron, etc (all at their respective peaks). It's just... better.

I guess in reality, I should've said that the French scene is "better" than the early scenes (imo it is) but it is just so starkly different from the Norwegian scene and I like the sounds it puts out as opposed to Norway and ilk.
Does anyone think horna is a good band? I've heard mixed things about this band, what would be a good album to start with?
I used to hold the modern French scene (among others) in very high regard, but lately I've gone off a lot of modern black metal altogether, realising that it doesn't hold a fucking candle to the earlier bands (particularly the Norwegian scene). I'll always prefer stuff like Darkthrone, Gorgoroth, Burzum, Ildjarn, Immortal, Mysticum, Mock, Enslaved, Helheim, Isvind, Manes, Graveland, Throne of Ahaz, Abigor, Root, Mütiilation, Rotting Christ, Varathron, etc (all at their respective peaks). It's just... better.

Mmmmm, yep.
I actually prefer the French black metal scene over Norway, there is so many excellent black metal bands from France and the future looks bright. However, I enjoy Norway mainly for the classic bands and though I do listen to many newer bands from Norway, I think the French scene is quite a lot better than any other countries'. I can't say I've really cared much for American black metal though, other than some of the more innovative ideas and bands.
I don't know how anyone could find Leviathan boring, assuming you're talking about the right one. Each release is quite different from the others, and Tentacles of Whorror is packed with variety.

I could see how Xasthur could be boring to many. The main problem with basically all Xasthur albums is a poor sense of pacing and balance. The albums are all too long, and usually aren't put together in a listenable way. The result is that I'll either pick out Xasthur tracks or listen to the first half of an album. The splits are more successful because they feel so much more like a whole rather than "here are some songs I wrote between date x and y".
I don't know how anyone could find Leviathan boring, assuming you're talking about the right one. Each release is quite different from the others, and Tentacles of Whorror is packed with variety.

I could see how Xasthur could be boring to many. The main problem with basically all Xasthur albums is a poor sense of pacing and balance. The albums are all too long, and usually aren't put together in a listenable way. The result is that I'll either pick out Xasthur tracks or listen to the first half of an album. The splits are more successful because they feel so much more like a whole rather than "here are some songs I wrote between date x and y".

Well...I consider both rather boring honestly. I still prefer the Norwegian, Finnish and French bands and "sound" overwhelmingly. I cannot provide any singular reason, but USBM has always left me kind of cold...and not in the grim, evil way:Smug: . "Tentacles..." is about the best of the lot I have heard, but that transistor-radio production just saps all the strength out of it to my ears - and there are many interesting ideas there - they just get lost in the mush to me.
While I agree with OldScratch that the two more prolific bands in the American scene - Xasthur and Leviathan - are pretty much worthless, it's not all bad. Demoncy's Joined In Darkness deserves high praise, and Krieg's Destruction Ritual is very good. There's a couple of other gems, but I find these two to be the most noteworthy.

Edit: Averse Sefira also rules.
While I agree with OldScratch that the two more prolific bands in the American scene - Xasthur and Leviathan - are pretty much worthless, it's not all bad. Demoncy's Joined In Darkness deserves high praise, and Krieg's Destruction Ritual is very good. There's a couple of other gems, but I find these two to be the most noteworthy.

Edit: Averse Sefira also rules.

Yes! I fear I painted with too broad a brush on USBM overall...there are indeed some gems in there!