Black Metal.

I don't know how anyone could find Leviathan boring, assuming you're talking about the right one. Each release is quite different from the others, and Tentacles of Whorror is packed with variety.
I can see how. I own Xasthur/Leviathan and Tent Sublevel... and both have really long songs and extended nonmetal parts. I like it but I can see how others don't.

I could see how Xasthur could be boring to many. The main problem with basically all Xasthur albums is a poor sense of pacing and balance. The albums are all too long, and usually aren't put together in a listenable way. The result is that I'll either pick out Xasthur tracks or listen to the first half of an album. The splits are more successful because they feel so much more like a whole rather than "here are some songs I wrote between date x and y".
I agree with this. I recently listened to Subliminal Genocide in a darkened room and it was awesome for the first few songs, but it began to drag towards the end of the album.

Also for good, nonstandard sounding USBM check out Nachtmystium - Instinct: Decay. It's my top album of 2006.
I really only like Leviathan's The Tenth Sub Level Of Suicide, the rest is kind of meh. Similarly, the only AMAZING Xasthur album is Nocturnal Poisoning...The Funeral Of Being is good also (and I have it on gatefold double vinyl :p), but just not spectacular.
I haven't got any Xasthur or Leviathan albums yet, I've just a heard a few tracks from Sirius radio, fan MySpace, and samples. But I'll eventually order some Xasthur.
For any doubters of USBM check out Ludicra, Fex Urbis Lex Orbis is fantastic and one of the better BM releases of last year.
For any doubters of USBM check out Ludicra, Fex Urbis Lex Orbis is fantastic and one of the better BM releases of last year.

Ludicra is actualy realy good. I recommend it to anyone :kickass:

French Black Metal always seems to be more misanthropic, dark, and in general fucking evil... but they don't do it in the "I'm a rebellious teenager, look at me way :worship: ", they do it in a way that's cold and collective and intellectual. Of course this is generalizing a bit, but a majority of it is like that.