Black Metal.

Taake is utter garbage for simpletons that are trying to convince themselves that they're listening to something intelligent. An utter charade.

This is hands down the most blasphemous comment this thread has seen. Tåke does not hide behind the pretence of being intelligent: your mention of this highlights your lack of interpretation and experience with Tåke's music.

Tåke is the most original Black Metal Norway has produced since the mid 90's. It stays true to Black Metal and yet creates its own character which is unlike any other Black Metal band Norway has seen imo.

The songwriting is highly creative, Hoest is a very good guitarist not to mention has one of the thinnest and rawest sounding shrieks in Black Metal.

No single song is constant or boring, the music is full of tonal colour, highlighted by superb tremolo picking not seen since the likes of Emperor and timechanges which are unpredictable and highly intriguing.

An underrated and essential band, every Black Metal enthusiast should own the entire discography, no excuses.
BAN-The Works_200pixel.jpg

One of the more disturbing Black Metal albums of recent times. An excellent piece of work, although it took me time to get into it.
I'm finding MoRT to be completely pointless. It's like they took all the dissonant ambience from TWWTG and created an album based on it, which completely dilutes it and defeats the purpose all together. The unnerving thing about songs like Our Blessed Frozen Cells was the context in which it was placed - one of sterility and mechanical hostility. Without the context, it's completely monotonous, and a thousand times more pretentious than TWWTG, which is difficult in itself.
Blut Aud Nord's earlier albums kick the shit out of later stuff anyway, yet never get any recognition besides maybe V and GoD. Everyone needs to hear Ultima Thulee now.
Why? What is to like about it? It is no more than older Black Metal ideas dressed up with pop aesthetics, mixed with pointless meandering and zero substance.

I would not be surprised if it and its ilk gave Chuck Schuldiner the AIDS that finished him off.

Pop aesthetics, hah. Where? Neo-classicalism mixed into the black metal mixture perhaps, but certainly no pop elements. Then again what else can I expect from an ANUSite?
Taake isn't that good, Jesus fucking Christ, Mort. You really latch on to the bottom of the barrel, don't you?
No, and as I explained earlier, there are two kinds of BM bands, ones that play black metal for what it is and how it is (Gorgoroth, Darkthrone, Clandestine Blaze, Katharsis, Incest, etc) and they do it well, I won't dispute that at least, and then there are the bands that really take black metal and bring it into levels of what it CAN be (Mystic Forest, Belenos, Alcest, Negura Bunget, Taake, etc)and it is really down to the fact that I like bands that expand on the already set ideas of what black metal IS and take it into something more musically.

I don't care if people dislike the bands I like, nor do I care to hear their reasoning because chances are if you're going to choose Gorgoroth over Taake then you obviously like black metal for what it is, and not what it can be.
First of all, Taake doesn't even fit in to that group, and secondly, can you try to sound a bit less pretentious with your "what black metal can be" bullshit?
How does Taake not fit into the group of what it can be, they take the core ideas of black metal music and add onto it greatly with their own unique sound aided by the usage of neo-classicism? They are, at the very least, not run of the mill.

And I'm sure that I could.